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This woman lives alone, healthy, and happy at 106 years old. What is her secret?

Discover the wellness and nutrition secrets of Dorothy Staten, a 106-year-old woman who still exercises and lives alone. Be inspired by her longevity!...
28-08-2024 17:10

  1. The Story of Dorothy Staten: An Example of Longevity
  2. A Balanced and Mindful Diet
  3. The Power of Tea and Physical Activity
  4. A Positive Life Philosophy

The Story of Dorothy Staten: An Example of Longevity

Dorothy Staten, at 106 years old, is a beacon of healthy living and longevity in El Paso, Texas. Despite the challenges of age, such as vision problems and a pacemaker, she lives independently in her apartment, where she has resided for over 40 years.

Her daughter, Rosie Lyles, 80 years old, lives in the same building and takes care of her when necessary. Staten's life is a testament to how maintaining healthy habits can positively influence the quality of life in old age.

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A Balanced and Mindful Diet

Dorothy Staten's diet is one of her main keys to a long life. She emphasizes the consumption of fruits and vegetables, highlighting her favorites such as carrots, broccoli, and spinach. These vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, essential for maintaining health.

Additionally, Staten enjoys fruits like watermelon and melon, known for their antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage.

Staten avoids sugar and opts for sugar-free alternatives, aligning with the recommendations of nutrition experts who warn about the negative effects of sugar on health.

She also stays away from fried and greasy foods, which is supported by cardiologists who suggest that these can contribute to heart problems.

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The Power of Tea and Physical Activity

Another fundamental aspect of Staten's routine is her tea consumption. She prefers unsweetened tea, recognizing the antioxidant benefits it provides. Green tea, in particular, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve cardiovascular health.

Although her mobility has been affected, Staten continues to exercise in her apartment, with the help of her daughter.

Regular physical activity, even in the form of short walks, is crucial for maintaining overall wellness and reducing the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular issues and dementia.

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A Positive Life Philosophy

The life philosophy of Dorothy Staten is based on honesty and respect for others. She believes in the importance of obeying parents and loving siblings, which reflects a strong sense of community and family.

With her wisdom and energy, she shares not only tips on longevity but also a positive approach to life.

"I feel like I'm 16 years old," Staten says, encapsulating her joyful spirit and love for life. Her story is a reminder that, with healthy habits and a positive mindset, one can enjoy a full and active life, regardless of age.

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