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Gemini and Virgo: Compatibility Percentage

Do you want to know the compatibility between Gemini and Virgo? Discover how they get along in love, trust, sex, communication and values. Find out what they have in common and how they complement each other for a harmonious relationship....
04-03-2023 16:52

  1. Gemini woman - Virgo man
  2. Virgo woman - Gemini man
  3. For women
  4. For men

The general compatibility percentage of Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs is: 46%.

Gemini and Virgo are zodiac signs that get along well, although the overall compatibility percentage between them is only 46%. This means that, although they have certain points in common, there are also certain differences between them.

Virgo is an Earth sign, known for its pragmatism, realism and ability to accept reality. Gemini is an Air sign, known for its creativity, energy and ability to see life from different perspectives. These differences make the two signs complement each other well, but can also lead to disagreements.

Emotional connection



Common values




Compatibility between Gemini and Virgo is quite a challenging relationship. Communication between both zodiac signs is a key element, as each sign possesses different points of view and a different way of understanding life. Gemini is a sign that is very versatile and loves variety, while Virgo is a more stable sign that seeks stability and consistency. This can create a tension between the two, as their needs are different.

Trust between the two signs can also be a challenge. Gemini may feel overwhelmed by Virgo's need for a stable and secure relationship, while Virgo may feel neglected by Gemini's freedom and versatility. Both must work together to find a middle ground between their needs.

The values that Gemini and Virgo hold can also be challenging. Gemini may be more interested in fun and pleasure, while Virgo focuses on work and responsibility. This can create a conflict, as both signs have a different way of looking at things. To find a middle ground, both Gemini and Virgo must mediate and find a balance between their different approaches.

Sex can also be complicated for this couple. Gemini is more creative and daring, while Virgo is more conservative and traditional. Both must work to find a middle ground between their needs in order to find the intimacy and connection they need to have a satisfying relationship.

Gemini woman - Virgo man

 The compatibility percentage of Gemini woman and Virgo man is: 45%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Gemini woman and Virgo man compatibility.

Virgo woman - Gemini man

 The compatibility percentage of Virgo woman and Gemini man is: 48%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Virgo woman and Gemini man compatibility.

For women

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Gemini sign:
 * How to conquer the Gemini woman
 * How to make love to the Gemini woman
 * Is the woman of the sign Geminis faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the sign Virgo:
 * How to conquer the Virgo woman

 * How to make love to the
Virgo woman
 * Is the woman of the sign Virgo faithful?

For men

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Gemini sign:

How to conquer the Gemini man

 * How to
make love to the Gemini man
 * Is the man of the sign Geminis faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the sign Virgo:
 How to make love to the Virgo man * How to conquer the Virgo man

 * How to
make love to the Virgo man
 * Is the man of the sign Virgo faithful?

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Today's horoscope: Gemini
Today's horoscope: Virgo

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