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Find out why Virgos are addicted to work and suffering

Discover the karma of a Virgo: addicted to hard work and always choosing the challenging path....
13-06-2023 21:35

  1. How the stars helped a Virgo overcome her addiction to work and suffering
  2. Virgo karma and their addiction to hard work
  3. The choice of demanding professions and relationships
  4. The risks of hard work addiction
  5. Balance is key

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In the vast universe of astrology, each zodiac sign holds secrets and unique characteristics that define those born under its influence.

 Today, we will turn our attention to one of the most interesting and enigmatic signs: Virgo.

 These individuals, ruled by the planet Mercury, are known for their dedication and perfectionism in all aspects of their lives.

 However, a distinctive trait that stands out in them is their penchant for hard work and, at times, suffering.

 Why are Virgos attracted to these two facets? Let's discover together the reasons behind this addiction to work and suffering that defines them so much.

How the stars helped a Virgo overcome her addiction to work and suffering

 Ana was a young Virgo who had always been characterized as a hard worker and perfectionist.

 From a very early age, she had become accustomed to putting all her energies into her career and constantly demanding herself to obtain impeccable results.

 Her drive for success led her to sacrifice rest time, personal relationships and moments of fun.

 One day, Ana came to my office looking for help in dealing with her addiction to work and suffering.

 She told me that she felt an insatiable need to prove herself through her work performance, but that in turn, this led her to feel exhausted, stressed and emotionally overwhelmed.

 I began to analyze her birth chart and realized that her Ascendant was in Capricorn, which explained her drive to achieve goals and her strong sense of responsibility.

 In addition, her Moon was in Virgo, which accentuated her tendency to be demanding of herself and to set high standards for herself.

 Through our sessions, Ana realized that her addiction to work and suffering was a way of seeking external validation and avoiding facing her own insecurities.

 She discovered that she was perpetuating a pattern of self-sabotage, believing that she only deserved love and recognition if she pushed herself to the limit.

 I suggested to Ana that she make small changes in her daily routine to rebalance her life.

 I recommended that she devote time to activities that made her happy, such as practicing yoga, painting, or going for a walk in nature.

 I also suggested that she set clear boundaries in her work and learn to delegate tasks to ease her burden.

 Over time, Ana began to put these tips into practice and prioritize her emotional well-being.

 As she allowed herself to enjoy life and let go of the need for perfection, she noticed how her workaholism decreased and her level of happiness increased.

 Today, Ana has managed to find a healthy balance between her work and personal life.

 She learned to value herself beyond professional achievements and to enjoy every moment without guilt.

 Her transformation was inspiring and reminded us all that while work is important, it is also essential to take care of our emotional well-being and find balance in all areas of our lives.

Virgo karma and their addiction to hard work

 In the karma of a Virgo is the tendency to be addicted to hard work.

 These individuals rarely choose the easy path, believing that success in life requires long and arduous effort.

 From an early age, Virgos often excel in school or in their workplace due to their brilliance and accomplishments, stemming from their innate drive to work hard and achieve success.

 However, this mentality can lead them to face difficult situations both in the workplace and in their personal relationships, as they firmly believe in the karma that dictates that they must work hard and suffer to live in this world.

The choice of demanding professions and relationships

 These individuals often choose professions that require great effort and dedication to achieve success, or relationships that require a lot of work and commitment.

 This is because Virgos are skilled at identifying problems in a situation and looking for ways to improve it.

 They often take on roles that demand a high level of effort and organization, such as doctors, administrative assistants or office managers.

 They may even take on responsibilities for which they are not suited, due to their innate need to challenge themselves through suffering.

The risks of hard work addiction

 In their mind, they believe that suffering justifies the value of living life.

 However, this mentality can lead many Virgos to experience anxiety and low self-esteem.

 They may also be prone to developing addictions, especially to overwork.

 In addition, they may experience digestive problems due to the little importance they place on their own well-being compared to their hard work.

 For them, working so hard is normal and they tend to think that everyone else is doing the same, when in fact they are working twice as hard as most.

Balance is key

 Virgos need to learn that constant work and lack of enjoyment are detrimental to the mind, body and spirit.

 Therefore, it is crucial for Virgos to make sure they get enough rest and take care of themselves properly to lead a more balanced existence, full of pleasure and less suffering.

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Today's horoscope: Virgo

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