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Sagittarius and Aquarius: Compatibility Percentage

Discover how the love chords between Sagittarius and Aquarius sound! How do they behave in love, trust, sex, communication and values? Explore the compatibility between these two signs! Find out how Sagittarius and Aquarius get along!...
04-03-2023 17:09

  1. Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man
  2. Aquarius woman - Sagittarius man
  3. For women
  4. For men

The general compatibility percentage of Sagittarius and Aquarius zodiac signs is: 65%.

Sagittarius and Aquarius zodiac signs have an overall compatibility of 65%, which means that there is a good chance that this couple will have a harmonious and lasting relationship. Both signs are very much like-minded, as they are adventurous, optimistic and forward-looking people.

Over time, they will find that their relationship can become very deep and emotionally satisfying. In addition, they have the ability to understand each other and respect each other's opinions, which will allow them to get along well and maintain an excellent relationship.

Emotional connection



Common values




The compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius is an interesting mix. These two signs are very different from each other, which means they can learn a lot from each other. Sagittarius is an adventurous, fun and enthusiastic sign, while Aquarius is an analytical, thoughtful and emotionally mature sign. If they can find a balance between these two energies, they can have a solid relationship.

Communication is an important part of a relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius. They are both good communicators, which means they can talk about their feelings and thoughts with ease. This also means that they can have an interesting conversation without friction. They must work a little to understand each other, as Sagittarius is more direct and Aquarius is more rational.

Trust is an important factor in any relationship, especially between Sagittarius and Aquarius. Both signs are loyal and trustworthy, which means they can rely on each other. This allows them to build a lasting relationship, and also gives them the freedom to explore their interests separately.

Values also play an important role in the relationship, as both signs have a different outlook on life. Sagittarius is more impulsive and Aquarius is more reflective, which means they will have different opinions about the world. This can be difficult to deal with, but it can also be an opportunity to learn from each other.

Finally, sex is also an important part of the relationship. Sagittarius is more passionate and Aquarius is more intellectual, which means they will have different experiences in bed. If they can find a balance between their styles, they can have a relationship with a lot of chemistry.

Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man

 The percentage of compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man is: 62%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man compatibility.

Aquarius woman - Sagittarius man

 The percentage of compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man is: 69%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man compatibility.

For women

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Sagittarius sign:
 * How to conquer the Sagittarius woman

 * How to make love to a
Sagittarius woman
 * Is the woman of the Sagittarius sign faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Aquarius sign:
 * How to conquer the Aquarius woman

 * How to make love to the
Aquarius woman
 * Is the woman of the Aquarius sign faithful?

For men

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Sagittarius sign:
 * How to conquer the Sagittarius man

 * How to
make love to the Sagittarius man
 * Is the man of the Sagittarius sign faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Aquarius sign:
 * How to conquer the Aquarius man

 * How to make
love to the Aquarius man
 * Is the man of the Aquarius sign faithful?

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Today's horoscope: Aquarius
Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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