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What is the Sagittarius zodiac like in love?

The Sagittarius sign is playful, likes to have fun with their lovers. Passionate, expressive and willing to try almost anything, a Sagittarius' partner must meet all their...
22-07-2022 13:53

The Sagittarius sign is playful, likes to have fun with their lovers. Passionate, expressive and willing to try almost anything, a Sagittarius' partner must meet all their expectations.

 There is a fine line separating sex and love for this sign. They can be an unfaithful sign if they are not truly in love.

 If in love, Sagittarius is loyal, faithful and devoted. The ideal partner for this sign should be intellectual, sensitive and expressive.

When Sagittarius finds the love of his life

 When Sagittarius finds the love of their life, they will do absolutely everything in their power to keep that love always strong.

 The Sagittarius sign is a loyal and sincere lover who will give all their love (spiritual and sexual) to a partner they can trust unconditionally.

 They are looking for a soul mate with whom they will go on world travels together, develop new ideas and laugh through tears.

 Laughter, according to Sagittarius, is a solution to all problems.

 By nature, Sagittarius is very passionate. However, while they are young, they prefer to be in superficial love relationships, until they mature and discover their deeper emotional side.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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