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Taurus and Capricorn: Compatibility Percentage

Taurus and Capricorn get along in love, trust, sex, communication and values. Find out how the compatibility of these zodiac signs works so you can make the most of your affectionate relationship. Explore the best astrological tips now!...
04-03-2023 16:50

  1. Taurus woman - Capricorn man
  2. Capricorn woman - Taurus man
  3. For women
  4. For men

The general compatibility percentage of the zodiac signs Taurus and Capricorn is: 67%.

Taurus and Capricorn have an overall compatibility of 67%, which means there is a good chance that this couple can work. These two zodiac signs share many common interests and have a deep respect for hard work and success.

Both are looking for stable relationships and strive to create a solid foundation for their relationship. They both have practical tendencies, which allows them to have a good understanding of life. These signs can also complement each other with their different skills and strengths. Over time, this relationship can be a source of satisfaction and happiness for both of them.

Emotional connection



Common values




Compatibility between Taurus and Capricorn signs is an interesting topic. Both signs have a lot in common and this makes them a good match. Taurus is a sign that values stability and security, while Capricorn is a sign that pursues success and ambition. This means that the two signs can support each other in their respective goals and this increases the compatibility between them.

Communication between Taurus and Capricorn signs is also important. Both signs are rational and logical, which means they can find common ground to communicate. This also means that the two signs can understand each other and can work together to solve problems.

When it comes to trust between the Taurus and Capricorn signs, they can build a solid foundation between them. Both signs are loyal and committed, which means they can trust each other. This is important for a healthy and stable relationship.

Both signs value honesty and integrity, which means they can build a strong relationship based on the same values. This also means that the two signs will have a solid foundation to work together to achieve their goals.

Finally, sex is also important for Taurus and Capricorn signs. Both signs tend to be very passionate when it comes to intimate relationships, which means they can share many experiences together. This also means that they can enjoy the intimacy and connection that comes from being together.

In conclusion, the compatibility between Taurus and Capricorn signs is quite good. Both signs have a lot in common, which means that they can communicate easily, trust each other, share the same values and enjoy intimacy. This makes the relationship between the two signs very satisfying.

Taurus woman - Capricorn man

 The percentage of compatibility of Taurus woman and Capricorn man is: 71%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Capricorn man.

Capricorn woman - Taurus man

 The percentage of compatibility of Capricorn woman and Taurus man is: 62%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Taurus man.

For women

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Taurus sign:
 * How to conquer the Taurus woman

 * How to make love to the
woman of the sign Taurus
 * Is the woman of the sign Taurus faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Capricorn sign:
 * How to conquer the Capricorn woman

 * How to make love to the
Capricorn woman
 * Is the woman of the Capricorn sign faithful?

For men

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Taurus sign:
 * How to conquer the Taurus man

 * How to
make love to the Taurus man
 * Is the man of the sign Taurus faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Capricorn sign:
 How to make love to the Capricorn man * How to conquer the Capricorn man

 * How to make
love to Capricorn man
 * Is the man of the Capricorn sign faithful?

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The Artificial Intelligence assistant was trained with information on dream interpretation, the zodiac, personalities and compatibility, influence of the stars and relationships in general

  • How can a Capricorn woman encourage the Taurus man to be more open about his feelings, worries and fears?

    To encourage a Taurus man to be more open about his feelings, concerns and fears, a Capricorn woman should be patient and understanding. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Create a safe environment: Make sure the Taurus man feels comfortable sharing his emotions without fear of negative reactions or condemnation. Let him know that he can rely on you and that you will always be there for him.

    2. Be patient: Taurus men tend to open up emotionally slowly. Don't force him to share everything right away, but give him the time he needs to feel comfortable.

    3. Listen actively: When the Taurus man is ready to share his feelings, be a good listener. Show genuine interest in what he is saying and ask questions to gain more insight into what he is going through.

    4. Use nonverbal communication: Sometimes nonverbal cues can help encourage openness. Show affection, hugs, kisses and other loving gestures can show the Taurus man that it is safe to be vulnerable.

    5. Encourage self-expression: Encourage the Taurus man to share his interests, passions and opinions. This will help him feel more comfortable expressing other aspects of himself, including emotions.

    6. Lead by example: By sharing your own feelings and experiences, you give him the confidence to do the same. Be open and honest about your own concerns and fears so that he feels empowered to be vulnerable as well.

    Remember that everyone is unique and has their own pace when it comes to emotional openness. Always respect the Taurus man's boundaries and be patient during this process.
  • What can a Capricorn woman do to be patient with a reluctant Taurus man who has trouble expressing his feelings?

    As a Capricorn woman, there are a number of things you can do to be patient with a reluctant Taurus man who has trouble expressing his feelings. Here are some suggestions:

    1. Communication is key: Talk openly with your Taurus partner about the importance of communication and sharing emotions. Emphasize that your relationship can become stronger through honesty and openness.

    2. Be patient: Understand that it can be difficult for a Taurus man to be vulnerable because they are often emotionally reserved. Give him the time and space he needs to become comfortable enough to share his feelings with you.

    3. Create a safe environment: Make sure your partner feels safe when he shares his emotions with you. Let him know that you are always there for him and that you are willing to listen to him without judgment or criticism.

    4. Encourage him: Encourage your partner to express his feelings step by step. Encourage him to take small steps, even if it means simply naming how he feels without going into detail.

    5. Show understanding: Try to be empathetic and understanding when he finally decides to share something with you, even if it doesn't fully reflect what you would like to hear.

    6. Respect boundaries: Respect your partner's boundaries when he is not immediately ready to express his feelings. Do not force him to do something he is not comfortable with, but instead let him know that you will always be there for him when he is ready.

    Remember that patience and understanding are crucial when dealing with a Taurus man who has difficulty expressing his feelings. Give him the time he needs and continue to communicate openly to strengthen the relationship.
  • Does my ex still love me? He is a Taurus and we got along very well, he dumped me out of nowhere.

    Dear user, I am sorry to hear that your ex-partner dumped you. As Taurus and Capricorn, you have had a good foundation because you are both earth signs. Earth signs generally have a strong connection with each other because of their practical and patient nature.

    Whether your ex still loves you, I cannot say for sure without more information about the situation. It is possible that there were other factors that contributed to the break-up. Relationships can be complex and there can be various reasons why someone chooses to break up.

    The best thing you can do is talk to your ex directly and communicate openly about your feelings. Try to understand his motivations behind the break-up and ask him directly if he still has feelings for you.

    Remember that love sometimes changes and evolves. He may not have romantic feelings for you at the moment, but that does not necessarily mean he no longer cares about you at all. Give each other some space and time to think about what you want in the future.

    I hope this advice helps and I wish you good luck in repairing your relationship or finding happiness in the future.
  • Are there any specific reasons why my ex decided to dump me, despite us being Capricorn and Taurus getting along well?

    Dear user, as an assistant, I cannot give specific reasons why your ex-partner decided to end the relationship. Relationships are complex and several factors can come into play when making such a decision.

    While astrology can offer interesting insights about personalities and compatibility between constellations, you should be careful about attributing specific events to astrological influences. It is important to remember that everyone is unique and individual choices are not determined by constellations alone.

    To get a better understanding of what happened, I recommend that you communicate openly and honestly with your ex-partner. This will help you clarify the reasons behind the break-up and perhaps find a possible path to reconciliation.

    Remember, every relationship is unique and exploring personal experiences and communication is often the best way to find answers to your questions.

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Capricorn
Today's horoscope: Taurus

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