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Compatibilities of Taurus with other zodiac signs

Compatibilities  Earth sign; compatible with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  Extremely practical, rational, analytical and concrete. Very good for business....
22-07-2022 13:57

  1. Taurus: Compatibility as a couple
  2. Taurus: compatibility with other signs


 Earth sign; compatible with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

 Extremely practical, rational, analytical and concrete. Very good for business.

 They are organised, like security and stability. They accumulate material goods during all their life, they like the security of what is seen and not of what is not seen.

 They are compatible with the signs of the Water element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Taurus: Compatibility as a couple

 Generally speaking, Taurus wants security, which means a lasting relationship with 100% mutual trust and commitment. Anything else is just a temporary substitute, not taken seriously. Love is either lifelong, or it simply isn't love, as far as Taurus is concerned.

 When that love happens, it is deep, strong, heavy, almost to the point of being painful, but a wonderful kind of pain. Taurus is always ready to commit, but slow to take the initiative and so slow to be seduced. Patience is the initial test. Those who do not pass it will not get to Taurus' heart.

 Those who get there will be firmly embraced by a love that soothes the soul and completely satisfies the body. For Taurus, love is hard work, but Taurus knows what it takes and it has its rewards.

Taurus: compatibility with other signs

 Taurus, the stable settler of the Zodiac, belongs to the earth element, which is the element of material things and the handling of them. So are Virgo and Capricorn, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Taurus is particularly compatible with them; they may not be attracted to each other at all.

 Nor is Taurus incompatible with, say, the air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, although they are quite different. In reality, differences are important in a relationship.

 This is most evident when comparing astrological qualities: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Each sign of the Zodiac has one of these qualities.

 Taurus is fixed, which means being indifferent or slow to change, more or less conservative. Taurus is very conservative. Anything new is frowned upon until it is no longer new. This does not go well with other fixed signs in a relationship. Other fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. None of these are compatible with Taurus, as they will insist on their respective ways, very unwilling to compromise. Both want the other to conform.

 Neither Taurus is compatible with the mutable signs. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Although they are much more adaptable, Taurus finds them unreliable. They like change so much, they never stop doing it. Sometimes it is to Taurus' liking, but usually not.

 With cardinal signs, demanding to lead, things can also get complicated with Taurus if the two don't agree on most things from the start. But if they find common ground, Taurus doesn't mind being tossed around, it's easy enough to ignore. The cardinal or leading signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

 But nothing is set in stone. A relationship is complex. There is no guarantee what will work and what will not. All the personality traits of each zodiac sign must be taken into account when examining your astrological compatibility.

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Today's horoscope: Taurus

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