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What is the Taurus zodiac like at work?

Stability is the key word for this sign. The key phrase for Taurus is "I have". The Taurus person loves money, and is not afraid to work hard to get it. At work,...
22-07-2022 13:57

Stability is the key word for this sign. The key phrase for Taurus is "I have". The Taurus person loves money, and is not afraid to work hard to get it. At work, the Taurus is reliable, patient and thorough. Once they set their mind to a project, they are determined to see it through to the end, no matter how time-consuming or complicated. Taurus is also punctual and prompt.

 One's sense of values is a huge motivator when it comes to Taurus. They also love the financial reward of hard work. Since Taurus loves to surround themselves with quality material things, they tend to enjoy the best foods and luxuries that life has to offer.

 Taurus is an excellent money manager. He pays his bills on time and always saves. Occasionally he also tends to overextend himself, but only once in a while.

 This sign tends to be good for careers related to agriculture, banking, medicine, education and construction.

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Today's horoscope: Taurus

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