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Taurus soul mate compatibility: Who is your life partner?

The complete guide to Taurus compatibility with every zodiac sign....
13-07-2022 15:15

  1. Taurus and Aries as soul mates: Pure contentment
  2. Taurus and Taurus as soul mates: The good connoisseurs
  3. Taurus and Gemini as soul mates: A dynamic relationship
  4. Taurus and Cancer as soul mates: A synergetic connection
  5. Taurus and Leo as soul mates: A struggle for authority
  6. Taurus and Virgo as soul mates: An intimate connection
  7. Taurus and Libra as soul mates: A sophisticated combination
  8. Taurus and Scorpio as soul mates: A pragmatic approach
  9. Taurus and Sagittarius as soul mates: Friction is covered
  10. Taurus and Capricorn as soul mates: A productive couple
  11. Taurus and Aquarius as soul mates: A spiritually oriented affair
  12. Taurus and Pisces as soul mates: An emotional combination

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Taurus represents the epitome of romantic intimacy, and that's all there is to it. There is literally no one more sensual and lascivious than this native. The moves they have, and the way they employ them, let's just say you won't soon forget them.

One thing to remember is that Taurus are not only very pragmatic and even-tempered individuals who do well professionally, but they are also romantics of the highest order and with a very unique perspective on sexuality, while also being quite tender and affectionate. You just have to make things clear on your part, and they will not hesitate to take you to the heights of ecstasy and beyond.

Taurus and Aries as soul mates: Pure contentment

Emotional connection ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Communication ❤ ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

What best defines the relationship between a Taurus and an Aries is the romantic synergy and sexual breadth that emerges.

Knowing that the former is a very energetic and impetuous sign, while the latter became known as the most lascivious and sensual sign of the zodiac, it is quite obvious that theirs is a relationship based on tenderness and infatuation.

Moments of pure bliss and ultimate satisfaction that will never lose their intensity and passion, as the Taurus displays their gentle and affectionate charms, while the Aries lover bursts with unimaginable drive.

During these moments, they can lose themselves and forget about all the real world, responsibilities and problems they have to deal with.

Their natures are not similar, and this poses a problem when thinking about building a lasting relationship. Sure, sex life can go to heaven, but it's not all about that.

Fortunately, these kids complement each other, as each has a quality that the other does not, and vice versa. This serves to strengthen the bond between them and forge a bright and shining path to happiness.

Obviously, there will also be ups and downs along the way, due to the many differences and things that separate them. One might love travel, while the other might be a peace-lover who hates the exhaustion and tiresome implications of travel.

However, things will eventually even out when the two come to agree on most things, and out of this effort an equal relationship is born.

Taurus and Taurus as soul mates: The good connoisseurs

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

When both partners are ruled by Venus, a planet we all know rules the powers of love and romantic affection, there can be only one result, and one result only: a near-perfect relationship, sunk in physical tenderness and blissful love.

With both of them in each other's arms, the world seems to disappear into nothingness, and they float, surrounded by an aura of timelessness and sensuality.

These two seek a rich and comfortable lifestyle, and to this end they will make sure they have the best things money can buy, as well as the most luxurious objects of desire.

There is no other feeling than seeing your home just the way you like it, filled with everything you've ever wanted, and this is what Taurus couples crave.

One thing you have to keep in mind is not to wallow in routine and let relationships slowly sink into tedium, because that is the most destructive factor when it comes to love.

Therefore, they have to keep fighting and working to keep the spark alive, and this may not be such an easy thing to do. But, given their similarities and common desires, things will eventually even out and this danger will disappear.

After having invested so much effort and time in building a stable relationship, no one would want to abandon it, and this is even more accurate for a Taurus.

Taurus and Gemini as soul mates: A dynamic relationship

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

At heart, these two natives are from two different worlds, one an insightful and mentally gifted individual, the other a pragmatist who would never stray into idealism and chimerical dreams.

However, that doesn't mean that they can't find common ground, or rather, that they can't perfectly blend their characteristics and abilities into the perfect relationship. Given how sensitive and knowledgeable Gemini is, it is impossible not to successfully create a bridge of connection that reaches deep inside Taurus and moves their heart.

There are inconsistencies in this relationship, and they can dampen the attraction between these two, especially the Gemini's erratic and flexible behaviour.

On the one hand, they are very talkative and will constantly talk about anything that exists, from how to make cakes to quantum mechanics, and this tends to make Taureans very tired.

Moreover, twin natives are as spontaneous as they are adventurous, and this dynamic and unstable lifestyle is incompatible with their partner's stable and down-to-earth mentality.

Humans are adaptable and flexible in their thinking, and not just rigid or robotic entities that can never change. Therefore, Taurus can mould their character and learn to follow in the footsteps of their dynamic and diverse partner.

This is something that is not so easy, but with enough effort and a strong will, it is not impossible. Likewise, Geminis should learn from the Taurus' way of thinking and acting, because it will help them to alleviate their impulsive tendencies.

It is Gemini's natural dynamism and carefree attitude that puts the Taurus in a bind. Should they put a lot of effort and dedication into building a relationship with someone who seems ready to jump ship all of a sudden?

This is what poses a big problem with these two natives, because Taureans want something they can count on, certainties, and Geminis are anything but stable and secure.

Taurus and Cancer as soul mates: A synergetic connection

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The potential that these two natives have is unfathomable, and given the compatibilities that emerge as a result, it's really no surprise that things end up being a success.

They like to do the same things with the same approach, follow the same principles and have roughly the same views on life, all of which creates a synergy between them.

This bond is likely to endure until the end of time, because it is built on a mountain of similarities and shared factors that both carry.

Everything you do will be charged with an artistic touch, aimed at the heights of what true beauty means, due to the Venusian ascendancy of Taurus, as well as the sentimental depth of Cancer conferred by the Moon.

His life is one of self-realisation and sense gratification, as well as the fulfilment of all his goals and desires.

Neither likes to take risks and rush headlong into battle without a plan, and this makes everything easier and simpler to manage.

In addition, they both understand the meaning of privacy, as well as the common ideas and principles of family formation.

Ultimately, the relationship between these two is destined to thrive and blossom endlessly, because as time goes by, they will only grow closer and more affectionate with each other. This is a given, thanks to the many things they have in common.

These natives will follow their desires, hold hands and walk towards the sun with dazzling confidence and a taste for true happiness.

Taurus and Leo as soul mates: A struggle for authority

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Taurus and Leo will form a great relationship, given their zodiacal similarities, and all they have to do to achieve perfection is to learn to be more open-minded and adapt more easily to a given situation. The rest is child's play for these gifted individuals.

The king of animals is a very proud and self-centred individual, so it is a fact that he will do everything in his power to remain the centre of attention for as long as possible, in the most conspicuous way.

And this is actually a relief for their partner, who hates the attention of the whole world. They prefer a more material appreciation, you know what we mean, and this is also to the Leo lover's liking.

Now, don't think that these two are made for each other, and that there will be no problem waiting for the start of a relationship that should last like an indestructible beacon of light.

Because that's not easy no matter how you look at it. And sure, the Taurus can accept a secondary position and not take the limelight, but being told what to do, as if he were a baby, is still not something he will tolerate with a smile on his face. If the Lion learns to control this desire, all will be well.

Taurus and Virgo as soul mates: An intimate connection

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Being on the same zodiacal wavelength, Taurus and Virgo will connect on the most intimate levels. And this basically means that their collaboration and bonding will go beyond the mere superficial aspects, reaching deep into their being.

Being fully aware that your partner will always be there for you in case something bad happens that could shake your emotional stability, the relationship goes a step further and becomes more stable, secure and involved than ever.

The Virgo lover will find himself in the most splendid of places when surrounded by the Taurus' shelter of love and reassuring affection.

It is like entering the most peaceful place on the planet, somewhere where there are no outside noises and where everything is melodic, comfortable, and where tranquillity reigns.

Both are loyal and devoted to each other, and given the trust and deep connection between them, it is obvious what they can achieve together.

Knowing that any relationship must be based on trust and devotion, Virgos and Taurus fully apply these principles and hide nothing from each other. How else could they develop their bond?

And it works, considering that they are also particularly gifted in the intuition department. This means that, whatever problems they have, working together is the best option they have.

Taurus and Libra as soul mates: A sophisticated combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Now, Taurus and Librans are quite sophisticated and noble in their passions and tastes, being very interested and enthusiastic about the great culture of the world, as well as artistic endeavours, such as painting, sculpture, etc.

This creates a common bridge to walk on, during which they will get to know each other better, find more similar things that connect them and move to the next level. In reality, it is only a matter of time before they fall in love.

These two are under the watchful eye of the planet Venus, also the goddess of love and romance. What does this really mean?

For it means that Taurus and Libra are two people who will either love each other until the end of time, with voracious passion and intense feelings, or they will feel nothing at all.

They also like to arrange their homes to reflect their feelings and love for each other, which is not so surprising.

A balance has to be struck, otherwise things will not last much longer than a few months at best. That is, each of them has to give up some expectations and make some compromises for the sake of the relationship.

Either the Libra lover takes the tendency to control in stride and lets their partner have their private life, or the Taurus learns to live with their partner's laziness.

Taurus and Scorpio as soul mates: A pragmatic approach

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Taurus and Scorpio can make a good couple, although their unique approaches and perspectives can make it a little difficult to really get together. They do, however, have many things in common, such as sensuality, romanticism, perseverance and a vindictive attitude if played to the hilt.

But, while Taureans like things to be as simple and easy to understand as possible, their partner's complicated character and deep personality may bother them a little.

The Scorpio lover is adept at change, mutability and adaptability. He or she does well in environments that constantly test his or her survival skills and traits, for only then could he or she hope to advance.

Taureans, on the other hand, don't like these kinds of events at all. Always having to escape death by just an inch, having to face increasingly difficult challenges, when you could relax in a cosy armchair and read a good book? Despite these differences, they help and support each other when the time comes.

Both are affected by each other's outstanding characteristics and traits, leading to a healthy and prosperous relationship.

Thus, the Taurus' firm and pragmatic approach to life will alleviate their partner's incessant worries and possible fears, putting an end to all emotional problems.

Scorpios, on the other hand, naturally emanate a quite powerful and dynamic energy that perfectly complements their partner's visionary depth, giving them the strength to complete their goals.

Taurus and Sagittarius as soul mates: Friction is covered

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Now, with these two, things are much easier, because they have very close personalities and temperaments. They are both strong-minded individuals who prefer to ask first and shoot later, without giving failure a chance.

This is in stark contrast to the previous Scorpio, who sometimes acted with great impulsivity and was therefore more likely to make mistakes.

Of course, Sagittarius has its dynamic momentum that propels it forward, but it is well within the limits of what the Taurus can bear.

Taurus need to feel safe and protected from all the unexpected dangers of life, and building a stable and secure situation is one of the ways they can achieve this, the best one besides.

They will never get into trouble and prefer to have someone by their side who deeply understands their nature.

In this way, their full potential can be greatly enhanced, and all the ambition, determination and strength of character are brought to bear twice as effectively.

These two will find it very easy to succeed in their respective careers, and creating a business from scratch would be one of the best ideas they could come up with.

With the fast-paced optimism and open-mindedness of Sagittarians, coupled with the strategic and cautious mind of their partner, what could go wrong?

Success, fame and fortune will be theirs, no matter what odds are stacked against them or what problems come their way.

Taurus and Capricorn as soul mates: A productive couple

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Taurus and Capricorn natives are a match made in heaven, seemingly born to meet, pair up and then build a lasting relationship that surpasses any other.

Being both Earth signs, they are naturally endowed with the same emotional attitudes and similar personalities, something that will naturally count for a lot over time.

Similar principles, objectives, approaches, characteristics, it is as if someone took a human being and cloned him or her, this is exactly the feeling one gets when looking at these two.

The Taurus is an individual with a rare capacity for love, affection and compassion, and this plays well with the Capricorn lover's tendency to overwork and sometimes forget their needs too. Therefore, the Bull comes in and relieves some of the pressure that has been building up, giving them a nudge in the right direction, putting out the fires of stress and overexertion.

With all that they have in common, and with their perfect rapport and coordination, is there any reason to believe that they would ever find themselves in such a difficult situation as to instil despair?

Not likely, no. All they have to do is put in a little effort, and everything will come of its own accord. Despite all the difficulties and possible problems on the horizon, these two will fight with everything they have, and fate will smile on them in the end.

Taurus and Aquarius as soul mates: A spiritually oriented affair

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The only thing necessary for this couple to achieve greatness and establish a strong and lasting relationship is this: they have to be capable and curious enough to step forward and look deeply into what makes their partner tick, their inner thoughts, their desires, their likes and dislikes, their dreams and prospects for the future, everything.

Having reached this level will guarantee more than just a physical connection, namely a spiritual or even intellectual one, which will be built from all these efforts. In fact, they are quite different from certain points of view, but this does not make it impossible for them to bond more deeply and emerge as one.

One particular thing that could make their relationship strenuous and difficult is the profound contradiction between their perspectives on life.

On the one hand, Taureans take things as they come, with a steady hand, and enjoy living in the present, indulging their instinctive pleasures and their senses.

On the other hand, your partner is a more intellectual and spiritually oriented individual, who would rather cut off his hand than live in a tedious and boring environment.

Likewise, the wild and daring ideas of the Aquarian may seem like mere dreams and nonsense to the pragmatic and realistic Taurus.

However, with enough will and determination, they can learn to accept each other, despite all these differences between them.

While one takes care of the material security and stability of the relationship, the other takes care of constantly stimulating the other with more and more opportunities.

Taurus and Pisces as soul mates: An emotional combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

These natives are romantically and sentimentally in line with each other, and their synergy is one created long ago, in times long past, by someone greater than themselves.

This means that their bond is so strong and magnetic that no force in this world could hope to ruin it. The Piscean's keen instincts and mysterious charm help create a powerful point of attraction and interest for their partner.

In turn, the Taurus enjoys caring for a wounded Pisces, when the latter is hurt by another person, by a failure or simply feels depressed.

There is no feeling like knowing that the loved one will act as a protective shield even in the hardest of times, fulfilling that deep desire of yours.

In addition, Taureans find themselves born again with new powers, when they bathe in the miraculous and healing waters in which Pisces enthusiastically swim. No matter what they do in their free time, you know it will be magical and sensual.

Bearing in mind that both are very independent and quite different in their approach and personality, when they combine all these traits and characteristics, what emerges must necessarily be something good, the best.

After all, it is a fact that when you strive to achieve something together with your partner, put in a lot of effort and support him or her at all times, things will eventually fall into place.

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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo

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Today's horoscope: Taurus

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