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Cancer and Pisces: Compatibility Percentage

Find out how Cancer and Pisces people interact in the realm of love and friendship! Learn the details about trust, sex, communication and values and how they can influence the relationship between these zodiac signs - don't miss this information!...
04-03-2023 16:58

  1. Cancer woman - Pisces man
  2. Pisces Woman - Cancer Man
  3. For women
  4. For men

The general compatibility percentage of the zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces is: 65%.

This means that both signs share many characteristics and qualities, such as a strong sense of empathy, compassion, love for family and loyalty. This means that these signs understand each other well and help each other through life's ups and downs.

This relationship can be very satisfying and long-lasting, as both signs are willing to put effort and work into maintaining it.

Emotional connection



Common values




The compatibility between Cancer and Pisces is quite good. These two signs are very emotional and understand each other. Communication between them is excellent, allowing them to talk freely about their deep feelings and understand each other's points of view.

The trust between the two is solid and stable, giving them the assurance that they can count on each other. They share similar values that help them connect deeply.

Sex between Cancer and Pisces is very intense. It is a very deep connection that brings them together physically and emotionally. This helps them connect even more, making the act more than just a physical relationship.

Cancer woman - Pisces man

 The compatibility percentage of Cancer woman and Pisces man is: 71%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Cancer woman and Pisces man compatibility.

Pisces Woman - Cancer Man

 The percentage of compatibility of Pisces woman and Cancer man is: 60%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Pisces woman and Cancer man compatibility.

For women

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Cancer sign:
 * How to conquer the Cancer woman

 * How to make love to the
Cancer woman
 * Is the woman of the sign Cancer faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the sign Pisces:
 * How to conquer the Pisces woman

 * How to make love to a
Pisces woman
 * Is the woman of the sign Pisces faithful?

For men

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Cancer sign:
 * How to conquer the Cancer man

 * How to make
love to the Cancer man
 * Is the Cancer man faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the sign Pisces:
 How to conquer the Pisces man
 * How to make love to the Pisces man

 * How to make love to the
Pisces man
 * Is the man of the sign Pisces faithful?

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  • What lessons or advice can be gained from that experience?

    The compatibility between Cancer and Pisces is generally very good. Both signs have emotionally rich and sensitive personalities, and they can understand and support each other. However, such a deep connection can sometimes lead to excessive dependence on each other or being swayed by the other person's emotions.

    My advice would be to cherish each other's independence and individual interests. It is important not only to find common hobbies and goals, but also to provide space for each other to grow and develop individually. Additionally, valuing communication and openly expressing each other's emotions and needs can help dispel misunderstandings and anxieties.

    It is also important to maintain one's own identity and self-esteem. By both maintaining balance and growing individually, a deeper love and understanding can be nurtured.

    The lesson learned from this experience is that the secret to building a happy relationship is not only respecting and supporting each other, but also valuing self-love and individual development.

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Cancer
Today's horoscope: Pisces

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