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Libra and Scorpio: Compatibility Percentage

Explore how Libra and Scorpio relate to each other in love, trust, sex, communication and values. How do these zodiac signs complement each other? Find out how Libra and Scorpio get along to better understand their relationship....
04-03-2023 17:04

  1. Libra Woman - Scorpio Man
  2. Scorpio woman - Libra man
  3. For women
  4. For men

The general compatibility percentage of the zodiac signs Libra and Scorpio is: 52%.

This means that both signs have some similarities in terms of attitudes, personality and values, but there are also important differences that need to be worked out to achieve a successful connection.

For example, Libra is an air sign and Scorpio is a water sign, which means that the two may have difficulty understanding each other's perspective. However, if the two are able to work together, they have the potential to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Emotional connection



Common values




The compatibility between the Libra sign and the Scorpio sign is medium to low. These two signs have some differences that can make the relationship quite difficult to maintain.

First of all, communication between these two signs is quite low. Libra is a very talkative sign, often seeking harmony and balance in their relationships, while Scorpio, on the other hand, prefers to focus on deep issues and learn through experience. This can be a problem, as there is not a complete understanding between the two signs.

Secondly, trust between Libra and Scorpio is low. Libra is very rational and Scorpio is emotional, which makes maintaining trust a challenge. These two signs have different emotional needs that can be difficult to meet.

There is a medium level of compatibility in terms of values and sexuality. Libra values balance and harmony, while Scorpio can be more passionate and creative. This can be a source of conflict, but also of a deep connection between the two. Libra and Scorpio can find a way to balance their needs and find the perfect balance.

Although Libra and Scorpio have some differences, there are also many things that the two signs can bring to their relationship. If both signs are willing to work together, there is a good chance of having a successful relationship.

Libra Woman - Scorpio Man

 The percentage of compatibility of Libra woman and Scorpio man is: 50%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Libra woman and Scorpio man compatibility.

Scorpio woman - Libra man

 The compatibility percentage of Scorpio woman and Libra man is: 55%.

 You can read more about this love relationship:

Scorpio woman and Libra man compatibility.

For women

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Libra sign:
 * How to conquer the Libra woman

 * How to
make love to Libra women
 * Is the woman of the sign Libra faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the woman is of the Scorpio sign:
 * How to conquer the woman of the Scorpio sign
 * How to make love to the woman of the sign Scorpio
 * Is the woman of the sign Scorpio faithful?

For men

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the Libra sign:
 * How to conquer the Libra man

 * How to
make love to the Libra man
 * Is the man of the sign Libra faithful?

Other articles that may interest you if the man is of the sign Scorpio:
 How to make love to the Scorpio man * How to conquer the Scorpio man

 * How to make
love to the Scorpio man
 * Is the man of the sign Scorpio faithful?

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  • What do Libra zodiac signs have in common with a Scorpio woman and a man?

    Hello! Libra and Scorpio are an interesting combination in the zodiac. Libras are known for their diplomacy, harmony, and love for beauty, while Scorpio is passionate, intense, and often mysterious. ?

    In this combination, relationships can be exciting because both signs can learn a lot from each other. Libra can help Scorpio express their emotions more openly and gently, while Scorpio can help Libra gain courage and assert themselves in situations where they need to.

    However, it is important to realize that this combination can also be challenging. Libras may feel threatened by Scorpio's intensity and radiance, while Scorpio may have issues with Libra's constant indecision and insecurities.

    If you want your relationship to work, it is important to communicate openly and understand your partner's needs and desires. Try to find common interests and activities that fulfill and connect both of you. ???

    If you have specific questions or concerns about the relationship between Libras and Scorpios, do not hesitate to share more information with me so that I can provide you with more accurate advice. ?

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Scorpio
Today's horoscope: Libra

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