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Tips for making love to the Libra zodiac man

Libyans are refined, clean, they don't like to mess around... so be careful what you do in bed without consulting them. He is a mostly cold and logical man, it is difficul...
22-07-2022 13:45

  1. Let's get down to business!
  2. Librans love adventure in bed.
  3. Erotic conversations for Libra
  4. What turns him on
  5. Atmosphere is important
  6. Surprise him!
  7. To dominate him or to let him dominate me?
  8. Use all the senses
  9. A couple more sexual tricks
  10. Fundamental!

Libyans are refined, clean, they don't like to mess around... so be careful what you do in bed without consulting them. He is a mostly cold and logical man, it is difficult to make him give in to his passions. He is always thinking about everything he does, did and will do.

 The goal with the Libra man is to get that cold, calculating head to "switch off" during sex, so that he can behave passionately. Achieving this is a great challenge.

 In general, Librans prefer slow sex, with lots of skin. It is also essential that their partner is impeccable, that even in the deepest nooks and crannies they smell good.

 They are a well-balanced person, so they don't like to be only concerned about themselves? they need to satisfy the other person. It is very important that you always tell them what you like in sex.

Let's get down to business!

 Sex for a Libra man is a very important element of his life. He takes sex more as psychological than physical. He loves making love to his woman and takes it as a challenge to satisfy her every need.

 Sex for him is also about give and take.

 A Libra man is very adventurous when he has sex and prefers his partner to be equally adventurous.

 Both dominant and submissive sex acts please him as he feels that variety is the spice of life.

 Erotic foreplay and dirty talk deeply arouse a Libra man.

 He is very skilled in bed and tries to make every sexual intimacy with his partner a beautiful and memorable moment.

 One can expect champagne and roses and all sorts of pleasurable things while in bed with a Libra man.

Librans love adventure in bed.

 While in bed, be sure to give your Libra man plenty of adventure.

 The Libra man seeks adventure in his sexual intimacies and also prefers his partner to be adventurous.

 Routine sex becomes monotonous for him.

 You can try different positions in bed or sex in different places in your home.

 Be a little adventurous and daring... you will surely seduce your Libra man.

Erotic conversations for Libra

 Stimulate the sexual mind if you want to please your Libra man. Engage in erotic and dirty sexual conversations to arouse him deeply.

 Dirty conversations stimulate the Libra man's sexual imagination like nothing else.

 While in bed, engage in erotic talk followed by some long and passionate foreplay before initiating actual penetration.

 A Libra man is a morning person. Instead of setting your alarm to snooze every morning, use those precious 10 to 15 minutes to arouse your Libra man in the most amazing way.

 A Libra man loves to start his day with a delicious dose of sex.

What turns him on

 If you want to seduce your Libra man, show him your butt! It's his favourite part of the female body and nothing gets him more excited.

 If you want to arouse him, just seductively rub your butt...

 A Libra man believes that sex is all about giving and receiving pleasure, although he likes to be in control of the situation at all times.

 If he knows how to pleasure you, then he expects you to please him too.

 Find out what your man likes and his erogenous zones if you want to make love to him in a sexy way.

 A sensual massage will seduce your Libra man. Learn the art of massage and use gentle caresses... A Libra man loves to receive a massage and loves to give one too.

 You can choose from a wide range of aromatic oils and edible oils to give him a sensual massage.

Atmosphere is important

 A Libra man attaches great importance to a pleasant atmosphere while making love.

 Pretty candles, light music and perhaps a bed full of rose petals is the best way to seduce him. For him, sex is all about romance.

 He loves these little materialistic pleasures and attaches importance to a nice and cosy atmosphere.

 Whether it's a bubble bath in a luxurious bathroom surrounded by lit candles or a bed full of red roses, you'll have your Libra man ready to give you the time of your life.

Surprise him!

 A Libra man loves surprises... Go lingerie shopping and cover yourself completely in bed. Let him undress you little by little until he finds you in your sexy lingerie. This will blow his mind completely and take his arousal to the ultimate level. Ask him his preference in lingerie.

 A Libra man likes a little challenge when it comes to lovemaking. A woman who is always ready for sex and waiting in bed for him, bores him immediately.

 Prolong foreplay... These little tricks will seduce him a lot and you will get the benefit of it in a very hot and passionate sex thereafter.

To dominate him or to let him dominate me?

 When it comes to lovemaking, a Libra man doesn't mind a dominant woman.

 He is ready to surrender to his wild woman's whims and fantasies in bed.

 Tie him up and do all the wonderful things you can until he begs you to stop.

 He will love that side of you and will almost be ready to give in to your charms all the time.

Use all the senses

 Use all the senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste, if they are awakened together, you will live heaven on earth.

 Awaken your Libra's sense of touch by letting him touch your beautiful body with sexy lingerie.

 Awaken his sense of smell by burning some fragrant candles near your bed.

 Awaken his sense of sight by making the atmosphere as pleasant as possible and, for his sense of touch, perhaps he could cover himself with some delicious chocolate or ice cream that he can lick off your body.

A couple more sexual tricks

 A Libra man loves to get compliments from his woman. Tell him how you feel about him and also let him know how you feel when he touches you.

 This will make him happy, feed his self-confidence and seduce him to the core.

 A Libra man loves a challenge. Play little sexual games with him while in bed.

 These cute intimacies in the relationship strengthen your bond and also add spice to your sex life.

 Be a little teasing and run around the house giving him a good view of your ass. While seducing him easily...


 A Libra man can be very disappointed if his woman is not clean, smells fresh or well groomed.

 It takes away their excitement...

 You have to look your best with your hair, nails and body well groomed.

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  • My limit has been reached, you don't just go to dinner with your ex without considering your partner's feelings. He knows I see red when her name is mentioned, because she ended it in the past and he tried to Just before we began our stay and concert.

    It sounds like you're feeling very hurt and worried about your partner's actions with his ex-girlfriend. It is completely understandable that you need to feel respected and prioritized in your relationship. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your boundaries and feelings.

    It seems like the trust between you and your partner has been challenged because of his actions. Maybe you can together find a way to rebuild trust and strengthen your relationship. It's important for your partner to understand how his actions affect you, so you can work together towards a solution that works for both of you.

    It may also be beneficial to explore why your partner's meeting with his ex-girlfriend is stirring such strong emotions in you. Perhaps there are past unhealed wounds or insecurities that come into play in this situation. Working on your own emotions and reactions can help bring more clarity and peace to the relationship.

    Remember, it's important to take care of your own needs and boundaries in a relationship. You deserve to be listened to and respected. ??

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Libra

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