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Making love to men

Tips for making love to a man according to his sign of the zodiac

Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo

Tips    for making love to an Aries zodiac man Tips for making love to an Aries zodiac man

If you want to have an Ariano man forever, you must prepare yourself for a life full of passion and energy. In bed, this Zodiac sign is characterized by being passiona...

Tips    for making love to the Aquarius zodiac man Tips for making love to the Aquarius zodiac man

To fall in love with the Aquarius man, you have to be willing to keep up with him. This sign is very creative and innovative, which means that he looks for new ways of exp...

Tips    for making love to the Cancer zodiac man Tips for making love to the Cancer zodiac man

The man who belongs to the sign of the crab is extremely sensitive and tender in all aspects of his life, including intimacy.  For him, it is fundamental to enjoy t...

Tips    for making love to the Capricorn zodiac man Tips for making love to the Capricorn zodiac man

The Capricorn man shows a great attachment to security and routine.  In the sexual sphere, he is generally reluctant to explore new experiences, not being attracted to...

Tips    for making love to the Scorpio zodiac man Tips for making love to the Scorpio zodiac man

The Scorpio man tends to have a large sexual appetite, and at times can be quite fiery in the act of sex.  While it is important to let that part of his personality ex...

Tips    for making love to the Gemini zodiac man Tips for making love to the Gemini zodiac man

The Gemini man can be confusing in all areas of his life, including sex. Sometimes he prefers a passionate and fiery sex, other times a more tender and leisurely one....

Tips    for making love to the Leo zodiac man Tips for making love to the Leo zodiac man

Leo is perhaps the man who needs the most flattery, pampering and adoration of all the horoscopes. He is a man who loves to have everything done for him in bed; he likes to f...

Tips    for making love to the Libra zodiac man Tips for making love to the Libra zodiac man

Libyans are refined, clean, they don't like to mess around... so be careful what you do in bed without consulting them. He is a mostly cold and logical man, it is difficul...

Tips    for making love to the Pisces zodiac man Tips for making love to the Pisces zodiac man

Pisceans are sensitive and optimistic. In bed they need a lot of this sensitivity. The most important thing is to gain their confidence, otherwise they will not open up compl...

Tips    for making love to the Sagittarius zodiac man Tips for making love to the Sagittarius zodiac man

Sagittarians like fun, adventurous and novel sex. Making love in different places, even risky or fun, will delight him.  He is a man who dares to be different; to tu...

Tips    for making love to the Taurus zodiac man Tips for making love to the Taurus zodiac man

The Taurine is not a person who lives on fantasies and does not want to experiment wild things. He is more of a traditional man, who likes to dominate in bed. Everything that...

Tips    for making love to a Virgo zodiac man Tips for making love to a Virgo zodiac man

Virgos are obsessed in many areas, including sexual matters. Any problems he sees in bed will keep him awake at night. It is very important for him to be confident and calm i...


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