Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

Conquering women

How to conquer or fall in love with women according to their zodiac sign

Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo

Tips    for falling in love with the Aries zodiac woman Tips for falling in love with the Aries zodiac woman

The Aries Aries is a woman with great energy and enthusiasm. They are adventurous and love to explore and experiment with new things.   They...

Tips    to fall in love with the Aquarius zodiac woman Tips to fall in love with the Aquarius zodiac woman

The Aquarius woman likes to be in her own way, to be free and to enjoy her independence. You should always respect her and try to understand her, because it is not...

Tips    for falling in love with the Cancer zodiac woman Tips for falling in love with the Cancer zodiac woman

The woman of the sign of Cancer possesses great sensitivity, vulnerability and emotionality, so it is essential to treat her with care and delicacy.  It is essential t...

Tips    to fall in love with the Capricorn zodiac woman Tips to fall in love with the Capricorn zodiac woman

The Capricorn's personality is characterized by being reflexive and cautious, which makes her seduction difficult. It is important to keep in mind that she is dominant and...

Tips    to fall in love with the Scorpio zodiac woman Tips to fall in love with the Scorpio zodiac woman

The Scorpio native is known for showing all her feelings without reserve. She is a jealous person, so it pays not to feed her envy. She prefers to focus on the future...

Tips    for falling in love with the Gemini zodiac woman Tips for falling in love with the Gemini zodiac woman

To conquer a woman of the Gemini sign, it is important to be a good conversationalist and to have an expert command of the art of communication and words. &...

Tips    for falling in love with the Leo zodiac woman Tips for falling in love with the Leo zodiac woman

The Leo woman is proud and has a big ego. To seduce her you must show her that she is the centre of attention. Flattery will never be enough. It is very important that you...

Tips    for falling in love with Libra zodiac women Tips for falling in love with Libra zodiac women

Librians are social and intelligent, always an attraction for people. She likes to be surrounded by people and rarely likes to be alone. So it would be good to think of so...

Tips    on how to fall in love with the Pisces zodiac woman Tips on how to fall in love with the Pisces zodiac woman

The Pisces woman is extremely tender and romantic, it is essential to win her over on that side. She loves creativity and, in general, art... showing her that you are an a...

Tips    for falling in love with the Sagittarius zodiac woman Tips for falling in love with the Sagittarius zodiac woman

The Sagittarius woman is independent and adventurous. Her partner must share her taste for adventure, travel and risk-taking. It is important that she does not get bored,...

Tips    on how to fall in love with the Taurus zodiac woman Tips on how to fall in love with the Taurus zodiac woman

The Taurus woman is not fast, you have to be patient to seduce her. Her pace tends to be slow, and she should never be pressured in any way.  She is a woman who seek...

Tips    on how to fall in love with the Virgo zodiac woman Tips on how to fall in love with the Virgo zodiac woman

The Virgo woman is critical, hard-working and has a great sense of duty.  You should always create a space of tranquillity, peace and stability for her, since she te...


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