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Tips for making love to the Cancer zodiac man

The man who belongs to the sign of the crab is extremely sensitive and tender in all aspects of his life, including intimacy.  For him, it is fundamental to enjoy t...
25-03-2023 14:40

  1. Knowing the Cancer man in depth
  2. The mystery
  3. Tastes of the Cancer man in a relationship
  4. Conclusions

The man who belongs to the sign of the crab is extremely sensitive and tender in all aspects of his life, including intimacy.

 For him, it is fundamental to enjoy the foreplay and to go through his body with passion. In addition, experimenting with aromas, lights and temperatures stimulates his imagination and excites him much more.

 We must be very careful with criticism directed at his performance in bed, as he is a very emotional man and can quickly feel hurt or misunderstood, although he often does not show it openly.

Through his previous love affairs, the Cancerian has learned a lot of things that make him an excellent lover.

 This is why, the older and more experienced he is, the better he will be able to please you.

 Since he loves to learn, don't hesitate to share your thoughts with him and teach him everything you would like to experience.

 It is important that you always tell him what pleases you during sex and that he, in turn, opens up and tells you his most intimate desires.

Likewise, it is essential that you compliment him when things are going well.

 If you want to have an amazing time with the Cancer man, you could try to surprise him with his favorite foods and integrate them into your sexual experience.
 It is preferable to maintain a calm atmosphere in the bedroom, as extremes or sexual aggressiveness are not his favorites.

Knowing the Cancer man in depth

 Love always brings good things.

But if a woman wants to get the best out of her relationship, it is essential that she fully understands how to love her Cancer man.

 This way, he will not hesitate to choose her over anyone else.

 However, it is also important to note that every relationship needs effort from both parties.

 For those women who wish to make their partner happy, it is essential to know the specific needs that a Cancer man may have, which might differ from those of other men.

Therefore, it is essential that you study your partner well and strive to satisfy him.

 Making this effort will undoubtedly improve the quality of your relationship and make it prosper in the best possible way.

You can also read this related topic: Cancer sign: Find out how your zodiac sign affects your passion and sexuality

The mystery

It is essential to understand that one of the main traits of a person of the Cancer sign is mystery.

 No matter how hard you try, you can never know exactly what your partner is thinking.

 That said, you can try to make some guesses while you're having fun, but be sure to be aware of your advances to avoid awkward moments.

If you try to move forward and he's not in the mood, don't feel bad, this is part of his personality.

 Just try to understand and try again later.

 If you are having difficulty deciphering your Cancer man, it may be a good idea to ask him directly.

 Being direct in the relationship will be a positive thing for both of you.

Tastes of the Cancer man in a relationship

 1. He loves to feel love at all times.

 2. The Cancer man is usually quiet in bed, so it is important that you are the same.

 3. In intimacy, the Cancer man is somewhat sentimental.

 Submissiveness and gentleness are preferred, as a Cancer man can be shy.

 5. Creativity and innovation are key; the Cancer man enjoys what is different.

 Aggressiveness is not welcome.

 7. Generosity will always be appreciated by a Cancer man.

 8. Unpredictability in bed is something that stimulates him.

 9. Making him feel desired is paramount.

 You can read more here:
The Cancer man in bed: what to expect and how to turn him on.


 Making love to a Cancer man can be easy if you take into account his characteristics.

 It is important to understand his tastes in order to please him in bed.

 Concentrate your attention and commit yourself to do it, you will see that everything will flow more easily.

 Don't worry if you are not an expert at the beginning, learning the art of making love with a Cancer man is possible.

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Today's horoscope: Cancer

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