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Libra man in bed: how to satisfy and excite him

Discover the art of sex with a Libra man: astrological secrets, his strengths and weaknesses in intimacy. Immerse yourself in heavenly passion....
07-05-2024 11:00

  1. Libra man likes a woman who takes the initiative
  2. The Loving Expression of a Libra Man
  3. Harmony in all aspects
  4. The most important thing for the Libra man in bed

In my years of practice in psychology and astrology, I have had the opportunity to assist a variety of individuals seeking to understand and improve their interpersonal relationships and intimacy from a psychological and zodiacal perspective.

A story I always like to share involves a Libra man I worked with. Let's call him "Miguel," of course, respecting his privacy.

Miguel came to see me concerned about the lack of spark in his intimate relationships.

As a true Libra, he sought balance in every aspect of his life, including the bedroom. However, he felt that something was missing, something he couldn't quite identify.

The first thing I explained to him was that men born under the sign of Libra are known for their desire for harmony and balance.

In bed, this means they seek a shared experience where giving and receiving pleasure are perfectly balanced.

The key to arousing a Libra man is to focus on this balance; they should feel both participants and observers of the act of love.

I suggested to Miguel to explore ways to incorporate this sense of balance into his intimacy. This could range from ensuring that both he and his partner have active roles during the act, to experimenting with extended foreplay where both could explore and satisfy each other's needs equally.

Later on, at the end of this article, I'll finish telling you how Miguel fared with my suggestions...

In the meantime, you might want to check out this other article about the Libra man:

The 10 unmistakable signs that a Libra man is in love

Libra man likes a woman who takes the initiative

The Libra man, known for his preference for the woman to take the lead during intimate encounters, strives greatly to satisfy his partner. He is willing to explore new ways of pleasure to ensure his companion's happiness.

His concern grows if he notices that she does not reach climax, and he is particularly sensitive in areas like the scrotum.

When sharing intimate moments with a man under this zodiac sign, remember not to rush. Hastiness can confuse him. If you enjoy extended foreplay as much as he does, allow yourself to fully immerse in that relaxed experience.

In a serene and welcoming environment, this man has the ability to elevate sensations to the highest level. Thanks to his understanding of the female anatomy and his natural intuition, he knows exactly how to bring his partner to ecstasy.

Do not mistake the lack of an athletic appearance for limiting his abilities; in reality, he possesses surprising energy between the sheets. Although he may start off calmly, he maintains a steady and passionate pace. This lover deeply enjoys the sexual act and has the powerful gift of igniting the flame of desire even before direct physical contact.

Let me give you an example: in my professional practice, I assisted a couple facing difficulties in their intimacy.

The woman, influenced by stereotypes, believed that her partner, a Libra man, was not "dominant" enough in bed.

Through sessions where we explored communication and mutual understanding, they discovered the importance of patience and the joint exploration of desires. They learned to value extended foreplay and emotional harmony, revitalizing their connection and mutual enjoyment.

This case highlights how overcoming prejudices and communicating openly can positively transform intimacy.

This is a good time to read this article that will help you improve communication with your partner:

Discover the 8 keys to have a healthy love relationship

The Loving Expression of a Libra Man

The Libra man delights in an introduction to love filled with imagination, delicacy, and passion. His curiosity knows no bounds as long as there are mysteries to be solved and unexplored corners in the physical connection.

When it comes to sexual activity, his skill is remarkable, allowing him to enjoy long moments of intimacy. For him, sex transcends the merely physical.

He does not conceive sexual encounters as something fleeting or superficial. He explores every centimeter of the female body with his mouth and hands, showing a preference for oral sex.

Meanwhile, you can read more about Libra in this article:

If you perceive that he spends excessive time on foreplay, you can take the initiative; he will be delighted to follow you as long as you do so delicately to avoid hurting his sensitivity towards explicit guidelines in intimacy.

Nothing dampens his desire or diminishes his sexual interest. He finds pleasure in both masturbation and oral sex and is particularly attracted to breasts. What brings enjoyment to his partner is equally satisfying for him.

However, it is crucial to communicate your preferences to him before engaging in any erotic play. Surprises are not to his liking. His connections tend to be rather superficial, as he struggles to deepen emotionally. He is even capable of maintaining two relationships simultaneously without deeply committing to either.

His voyeuristic inclinations lead him to enjoy watching sexual acts or participating in erotic games such as using masks during the act. To captivate him with your creativity, suggest body painting; he will find it highly stimulating to apply colors to your naked skin.

Some Libra men have a taste for recording themselves during their intimate encounters, appreciating the more refined practices without fear of new experiences proposed by their partners.

Given that this zodiac sign is associated with balance, it is not uncommon to find Libra men interested in both men and women due to their open-mindedness towards love and sexuality.

He may be secretly involved with more than one person as he prefers to wait until he finds a true emotional and intellectual affinity before fully committing.

I remember the case of Clara and Tomás, he, a Libra man. Clara felt insecure in their relationship due to Tomás' expressive and open nature towards love. In therapy, we explored how communication and setting clear boundaries could strengthen their bond.

They learned to express their desires and fears without judgment, allowing them to deepen their emotional and sexual connection, respecting their individualities and desires.

This taught them that love and mutual respect are fundamental to overcoming differences and building a healthy relationship.

You can read more about the Libra man in love in this article:
The Libra man in love: From indecisive to incredibly charming

Harmony in all aspects

Individuals born under the sign of Libra constantly crave balance and tranquility. Faced with adversities, it is common for a Libra man to seek refuge in happier memories to regain emotional stability.
He feels fulfilled when he perceives happiness in his surroundings. He is not fond of strenuous physical activities, but enjoys a good board game and stimulating conversations.
If you do not consider yourself a person with extensive knowledge in various areas, you may find it challenging to connect deeply with him. He values those capable of engaging in rich and informative dialogues.
With a sociable nature, he always seeks harmony and is characterized by his natural optimism. He has a knack for humor and defends justice with diplomacy, avoiding conflicts whenever possible.
He is valued as a companion and leader due to his ability to adapt effortlessly; although decision-making may be his Achilles' heel. He possesses remarkable judicial qualities thanks to his ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives without falling into hasty personal judgments.
However, in situations contrary to his desires, he may show hostility and inflexibility, distancing himself from the calm and rational image he usually projects.
His intuition makes him an excellent lie detector, as he deeply understands human motivations. He rejects unnecessary drama by quickly identifying the true intentions behind actions.
His love for beauty also extends to the romantic realm; he charms and knows how to win over the feminine heart. Although he may later doubt the intensity of his feelings after falling in love.
He seeks to maintain balance and order, although this may not always be possible. If you love a Libra man but feel a certain emotional distance from him, explore intimate pleasures together, as he knows well how to offer them.
He greatly values equality in romance, especially in intimacy where he prioritizes satisfying shared desires openly expressed by both parties.
A determined woman will be irresistible to him; he easily gravitates towards those who show clarity about what they seek both sentimentally and sexually. Avoid any kind of drama or emotionally charged scenes to keep him close.
From a young age, he was clear about wanting to start a family someday, making it relatively easy to convince him to commit formally, although he would prefer to avoid organizing such significant events due to the stress that would come with making so many important decisions.
He desires to find in a partner both complicity and passion, avoiding flirtatious games external to the established bond.
If you seek to keep him, make sure to show personal care to maintain a constant attraction towards you.
And it would be ideal for you to read this other article:
How to attract a Libra man: The best tips to make him fall in love

The most important thing for the Libra man in bed

Following our initial story...

A crucial point with Miguel was teaching him the importance of the environment: Libra men are highly influenced by their surroundings. I recommended him to create a space that was visually stimulating but also peaceful; scented candles, dim lights, and relaxing music could work wonders.

Another interesting anecdote arose when we discussed communication. Miguel quickly learned that articulating what he wanted and listening to his partner's needs were essential to maintaining that desired balance.

Libra men appreciate beauty in all its forms, so genuinely complimenting their partner on how they look or feel can be tremendously exciting for them.

By playing with these tips, Miguel experienced a remarkable transformation in his intimate relationships. Not only did his sex life significantly improve, but he also strengthened his emotional connections with his partners.

In conclusion, to excite a Libra man in bed, it is essential to focus on the balance between giving and receiving pleasure. Creating a beautiful and harmonious environment along with open communication will be your best strategy to ignite the passion of your Libra man.

This story shows us how applying zodiacal knowledge can open unexplored doors within our most intimate relationships, leading them not only to higher levels of satisfaction but also to a deeper understanding between partners.

You can read more about Libra in this article:

The truth about jealousy and possessiveness in Libra men

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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