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What is the Sagittarius zodiac like in the family?

This sign can be expected to always be surrounded by friends. Sagittarius is very funny and, at times, completely crazy. They love to laugh and make everyone around them p...
22-07-2022 13:53

This sign can be expected to always be surrounded by friends. Sagittarius is very funny and, at times, completely crazy. They love to laugh and make everyone around them pay attention to them.

 Sagittarius makes friends with everyone, enjoying all kinds of topics in life and culture. They are generous and don't usually hold grudges. Anyone who can sit down for a while and talk about the deeper things in life will suit a Sagittarius well. They make friends easily and keep them strong through the years.

 When it comes to family, the Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do almost anything. Freedom and independence are very important to this sign.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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