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How good are Sagittarians with children?

Sagittarians offer their son as a model of kindness, acceptance, excellent judgement, profound generalisation and inventiveness in academia and philosophy in his father's position....
23-07-2022 20:24

Sagittarians offer their son as a model of kindness, acceptance, excellent judgement, profound generalisation and inventiveness in academia and philosophy in his father's position.

Sagittarians highly value their expertise and experience in a given field. They can offer help in almost any situation. They wish to share with others what they have learned and experienced. These parents are natural instructors and trainers. Therefore, they aspire to have children with whom they can share their skills and experiences, as well as their personal moments.

Sagittarians have faith in their children and in their bright destiny. They have high expectations of their children's academic achievements and their general cognitive level. Sagittarius parents like to play with their children, take them on outings, communicate with them and answer their questions sincerely.

The Sagittarian mother does not impose any limits or restrictions on her child; she walks with him and lets him do whatever he wants, as long as it does not endanger his well-being and safety. However, these freedoms and tolerances can have unfavourable repercussions.

A young person, for example, will have difficulty integrating into the community, the group, where the rules of behaviour are set. Sagittarians value knowledge and are likely to appreciate the experience of returning to youth through their children. They are not authoritarian and can communicate with their children on their own.

Sagittarians also like sports or hobbies that can be used as games, such as discussion or strategy, and can be found supporting them in all games. Their sense of fun with their children will be very good, and all of them will be able to enhance their bond with their parents at any age.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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