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The worst negative Sagittarius zodiac characteristics

Sagittarius is a fun, spontaneous, honest and direct sign. But all that can be transformed into certain situations of passionate anger and deceit...  The Sagittarius...
22-07-2022 13:53

Sagittarius is a fun, spontaneous, honest and direct sign. But all that can be transformed into certain situations of passionate anger and deceit...

 The Sagittarius sign will become very superficial, almost unknown to you. They are very careless about their relationships, both in friendship and in love.

 It is a sign that is not afraid of ridicule, so it is usual for him to make public scenes.
 He can hurt you a lot with his supposed sincerity.

 They can sometimes become jealous and demanding. He can be disrespectful and disregard boundaries.

The worst of Sagittarius


 Your big failure in life, if you choose to give in, will be the fact that you are too scared to take risks. After all, when you take risks, bad things can happen. People can get hurt. You can fail. You can think badly of yourself. But you fail by default because you are not brave enough to take risks. You would rather experience nothing at all than experience something bad.

Hint: Life is shorter than you think. The only thing you will regret as your life draws to a close is being afraid to do all the things you always wanted to do.

You can read more about this in our article: What is the most annoying thing about the Sagittarius sign?

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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