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How to seduce a Sagittarius man from A to Z

Find out how to make your Sagittarius man fall in love with you and what to look out for....
18-07-2022 13:21

  1. Seduce your Sagittarius man with these 5 top tips:
  2. Get out of the flirt zone
  3. Tips for seducing your Sagittarius man
  4. The negative aspects of seduction in Sagittarius
  5. What you face

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Sagittarian men like their partners to be direct, honest and aware of their own qualities and flaws, because they are great flirters and people who actively seek social engagement.

When you are trying to seduce him, and you don't even think you are going to catch him by surprise, you basically try to be as persuasive as possible, by trying to present yourself in the best possible light. The Sagittarius man is both skilled and adaptable when it comes to flirting, and you will be fascinated by the intriguing and mysterious light in which he presents himself.

Seduce your Sagittarius man with these 5 top tips:

1) Be as socially active as he is.

2) Joke with him, but only in private, not under the gaze of others.

3) She remains feminine and plays a little damsel in distress.

4) Show off your qualities, but don't appear conceited.

5) Take a direct approach and speak from the heart.

Get out of the flirt zone

First of all, to properly seduce a Sagittarius man, you have to make sure you keep his attention on you at all times. That is one of the most important principles of seduction, but to make sure you know it, you have to do it properly, or else he will get bored after a few moments.

So, once this step is done, you have to make sure that the Sagittarius is really compatible with you, because there are many personalities out there, and the simple astrological category is not necessarily all you have to watch out for. Out of all the ones out there, you have to carefully choose the most suitable one.

One thing to remember is that the Sagittarian man is a very sociable and communicative individual, who finds flirting a very satisfying and intriguing adventure.

So, with this in mind, it will be obvious that you have to do something to get out of that zone, the flirting zone. He has to perceive you as more than just a temporary interest, so use your brain, that intelligence that he is so attracted to.

Intrigue him beyond what most can achieve, and it will be a sure win, there is no doubt about that.

In addition, he would very much like his partner to have a sense of adventure, a need to feel the thrill of the unknown, to explore it.

If these tactics are successful, and they will be, be careful not to get too carried away with that success and then try to make it subservient, or overpower it more than necessary.

He is a freedom seeker first and foremost, someone who is satisfied in the knowledge that he alone is responsible for his decisions, and that no one can intervene. Independence is therefore extremely important to him, in his case as well as yours.

Since he will respect your personal space and will not try to infringe on your free will, he obviously expects the same in return. After all, it is in his nature to act this way, so someone who is unprincipled does not suit him.

Tips for seducing your Sagittarius man

One of the most important tips that can help you get that attractive Sagittarius man you've had your eye on for weeks is this: don't act as if he might accept you on the spot, right then and there, because that will take away a lot of anticipation and intrigue.

Instead, act as if it's a mere interest at first, and that you could quickly change your mind, that he's not the only one you could spend your time with.

That way, he'll be more incentivised to make you his, because that's how most men work. It's ego working its wonders. Also, along the same lines, don't reveal everything about yourself from the first date with the Sagittarius man, because this will have the same effect.

If you thought you could get into his bed without taking any responsibility or making any effort, here's what happens: you're wrong, wrong and wrong again.

You will have to dedicate yourself fully so that this native will place his trust in you, and that means finding the time to do what he likes, sharing the activities he enjoys.

Of course, it will be a nuisance, at least at first, but that's the way it is. If they don't see you putting in the slightest effort and interest, why should they do the same?

Also, don't hesitate or act shy, because that won't impress him at all. Instead, be bold and have the confidence to take what you want, when you want it.

Positivity and the belief that there really could be a solution to that seemingly impossible problem are two of the most essential assets that you should try to develop, because the Sagittarius man does not like people who always sound the alarm instead of trying to move forward in this direction.

After all, it is not rational to wallow in your own sadness over a problem, when you could be working together to find the perfect solution.

Also, watch your behaviour and attitude, and try to be as fair as possible to anyone you meet. This will show your principles and virtuous nature, which he will appreciate.

The negative aspects of seduction in Sagittarius

The essence here is not whether you are able to get this guy's attention, because that is not so difficult, and in fact it is very easy, once you know how to do it.

No, the hardest part is knowing how to keep the Sagittarius man interested, because he will want to experience the same level of intrigue and excitement that you have accustomed him to.

Most importantly, never try to curtail his sense of freedom, because that is the most important thing for him.

You don't have to worry about not knowing where the boundaries are, because they will tell you exactly where you have to stop and when you have crossed them.

Perhaps this is because they want their partner to be responsible, forward-looking, someone who knows what they want from life, and who actively seeks it. Monotony and boredom are also unacceptable.

What you face

There are no major problems here, only one, and that is the slippery nature of the Sagittarian man. He will quickly realise what you are trying to achieve, and it will not be so easy to seduce him.

Here's a cheat code, and it's pretty simple, you have to think about the fact that he wants a partner to spend the rest of his life with.

Don't try to win him over only on a physical level, but try to intrigue him on an intellectual level, and in the end you will achieve the success you crave.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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