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Dating a Sagittarius man: Do you have what it takes?

Understand how he dates and what he likes in a woman so you can start the relationship off on the right foot....
18-07-2022 13:59

  1. Your expectations
  2. Practical tips for dating
  3. Between the sheets

The Sagittarius symbol in the horoscope is an Archer, which means that the Sagittarius man is someone who sets high goals in life.

Utopian, curious and restless, this man is fun and funny too. If you are feeling down, he will be able to change your mood in a second. He is knowledgeable on all subjects and always impresses people with this trait.

If you want to date a person who is always cheerful and fun, look no further and get the Sagittarius man. Intelligent and charming, he is able to bring a smile to anyone's face. However, make sure you are okay with him disappearing on you, as he likes to take on new challenges all the time.

Although he is friendly, he is not too attached to people and likes to go on his adventures alone.

The Sagittarius-born man is attentive, loving and delicate. He wants someone to be by his side for the rest of his life, but beware, that person must be as independent and adventurous as he is.

The man of this sign is looking for someone as knowledgeable as he is, someone with whom he can talk about everything.

He may be the one who asks you out first, so you don't have to worry about this. A Sagittarius man is never untruthful.

His honesty makes him a trustworthy person and he expects his partner to be the same. He is direct and always speaks his mind.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the ruler of Sagittarius. Therefore, men of this sign emanate immense energy. You will feel full of life when you are close to them.

They always have great ideas. However, they are poor judges of characters and situations. Their courageous spirit makes them more curious about what is going to happen and less interested in the consequences.

It can be difficult to find a Sagittarius who has settled down. If you want to date a Sagittarius man, make sure you can handle his spirit, and that you are energetic enough to take on new challenges.

Your expectations

The explorer symbol of the zodiac, this man never minds when things change. On the contrary, he resents routine and monotony. He aspires to achieve great things and likes unpredictable people.

When you go out for a drink, order something unusual and you will impress him. You should be just like him, who is always willing to try new things. This may mean you have to change a little, but it's worth it if you want to have someone special like the Sagittarius man by your side.

He will encourage and support you at all times. If he feels good about you, don't insist on introducing him to your family and friends.

He is not so keen to settle down and would not want you to start talking about a possible wedding. Let him be the one to suggest these things.

The Sagittarius boy is intricate and deep, likes philosophy and brings out his romantic side in the company of the right person.

He also empathises with the problems of others, which makes him a sympathetic partner. His independence is very important to him, so don't expect to keep him around for too long. He is the traveller of the zodiac.

You have to be energetic if you want to be with him. If you tend to be a person who likes routine and staying at home all the time, think twice before getting serious with the Sagittarius man.

Although he is a master of philosophical conversations, he does not like to talk about himself. When a relationship he is involved in is over, there is nothing anyone can do to bring it back. For this man, there is no holding on to the past. He is constantly looking forward.

Practical tips for dating

When dating a Sagittarius, schedule dates that involve some kind of adventure. He likes his brain to work, so you can treat him to a puzzle night at a bar.

Or you can take him to a garden maze or an escape room. He will enjoy exploring and discovering new things. You could also decide on an excursion to somewhere he has never been before.

He doesn't like people who are too fancy and glamorous, so go on a date with less make-up and casual attire. Use light colours to intrigue him.

If the date is at a bar, go in and wait for him at the table. He likes bold people, and the fact that you're sitting alone will tell him you're not afraid of being judged.

This is sure to win his admiration. Keep conversations light and make him laugh. He loves a good joke.

They like being in a relationship, but don't want to complicate things too much. Therefore, at the beginning of the relationship, the Sagittarius man will only want to have a good time.

He is very laid back no matter what the situation, so you will have to take things into your own hands if you want something more serious with this guy. As soon as you become needy, he will get out of the relationship. Don't ask him to talk about his feelings either.

The Sagittarius guy will inspire you to love life. He will convince you that it is okay to have big plans. He is never mean, but has an honesty that some may resent.

If you think he is rude, raise this issue with him. He'll listen to you. It can be a little difficult to put up with a Sagittarius man's lifestyle, but if you are a person who enjoys new experiences, you will think he is perfect for you.

Between the sheets

Sex for a Sagittarius man is something else he needs to do. He will do his best to perform in bed, and likes both partners to enjoy the evening.

She is not overly emotional between the sheets and does not like her lover to try to express his feelings too much. She knows how to drive her partner crazy in bed.

For him, sex is another way of enjoying life and experimenting. He is not romantic or passionate when making love. There are no spiritual connections with the man born in this sign when he is in the bedroom.

He knows what he likes and wants to discover what pleases you too. Your sexual experience with a Sagittarius native is likely to include some component of exploration and experimentation.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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