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There are people who avoid looking into the eyes when speaking. What does this mean?

Discover the meaning of not looking someone in the eye while speaking and the reasons behind this behavior. Eye contact is key in communication. Get informed here!...
20-08-2024 18:38

  1. The Gaze: A Fundamental Pillar in Communication
  2. Common Reasons for Avoiding Eye Contact
  3. The Gaze in Different Cultures
  4. Tips for Maintaining Effective Eye Contact

The Gaze: A Fundamental Pillar in Communication

People communicate much more than what they say with words alone. Through their gestures, facial expressions, and postures, they convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions.

This type of communication, called non-verbal, is fundamental in everyday interactions because it can complement, reinforce, or even contradict the message.

According to Marcelo Sola, a specialist in non-verbal communication, 55% of our communication is body language, 38% corresponds to the tone and rhythm of the voice, and only 7% refers to the words.

Therefore, eye contact plays a crucial role in how we interpret and make sense of what is being said.

Common Reasons for Avoiding Eye Contact

There are several reasons that can lead a person to look away during a conversation. One of the most common is insecurity. As Fran Carrillo mentions, a fleeting gaze can convey distrust. Additionally, social anxiety also plays an important role.

People with this disorder experience an intense fear of being observed and judged, which can hinder eye contact and social interaction.

Esther Blanco García, a psychologist, points out that excessive deviation of the gaze can indicate shyness or disinterest, which can affect the quality of communication.

Another factor to consider is the cognitive use of the brain. According to a study published in Cognition, looking away may be the result of our brain being unable to concentrate on another person's face and formulate the right words at the same time.

This is particularly evident when searching for a rarely used word or discussing a complex topic.

The Gaze in Different Cultures

It is important to note that the way eye contact is perceived varies significantly between cultures.

In the United States, eye contact is seen as a sign of sincerity and attention, while in many Asian cultures, such as Japanese, avoiding eye contact is considered a sign of respect.

This highlights the importance of being aware of cultural differences when communicating, as what may be interpreted as disinterest in one culture may be seen as respect in another.

Tips for Maintaining Effective Eye Contact

Para mejorar la comunicación y fortalecer las relaciones interpersonales, los expertos sugieren algunas estrategias para mantener un contacto visual adecuado:

1. Practice active listening:

By maintaining eye contact, you show that you are interested in what the other person is saying. This fosters an environment of trust and openness.

2. Control the intensity:

Excessive eye contact can be intimidating, while a very evasive gaze may seem disinterested. Find a balance that makes you feel comfortable and is appropriate for the context.

3. Observe the other person's signals:

If you notice that the other person is avoiding eye contact, it may indicate that they feel uncomfortable. Adjust your behavior accordingly.

4. Make it gradual:

If you find it difficult to maintain eye contact, start with brief glances and gradually increase the duration as you feel more comfortable.

In conclusion, eye contact is an essential component of communication that goes beyond words. Understanding the reasons that may lead to looking away and how it is perceived in different cultural contexts can improve our interactions and strengthen our personal and professional relationships.

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