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Spring Astenia? Discover how to manage its impact on your mood

Spring Astenia: discover how the change of season impacts your energy and mood. Learn to recognize and manage its effects....
11-09-2024 20:14

  1. Change of season, change of energy
  2. What is spring asthenia?
  3. Tips for Coping with Spring
  4. Enjoying Spring!

Hello, spring! What happens to our body?

When spring knocks on our door, it's not just the flowers and pleasant weather that arrive. Changes that affect our body and emotions also come along.

Have you ever felt more tired or a bit "down" when this season begins?

You're not alone! Nature not only changes the landscape, it also plays with our hormones and energy levels.

Change of season, change of energy

The temperatures start to get warmer and the days lengthen. Yes, goodbye to the heavy coat and hello to light jackets! But what happens to our energy? That additional brightness and the increase in noises, colors, and smells can be a bit overwhelming.

The response of our body manifests in what we know as spring asthenia.

This term sounds a bit technical, but it actually refers to that feeling of weakness and lack of vitality. And don't worry, it's not an illness. It's simply our body trying to adapt to seasonal changes.

The hypothalamus, that small region of our brain, feels a bit confused and needs its time to readjust everything.

Do you feel exhausted all day? Discover the possible causes

What is spring asthenia?

Spring astenia affects approximately 50% of the global population. That's a lot of people! It is more common in women aged between 30 and 60, but no one is exempt.

Do you feel a little more tired and less eager to go out? Your body is probably saying: "Hey, give me a break!"

Symptoms may include irritability, apathy, and even loss of appetite. If you are already dealing with mood issues, spring may make you feel more anxious. The good news is that this will pass. Spring astenia lasts only a few weeks.

So take a deep breath, relax, and remember that it is just a seasonal adjustment.

Tips for Coping with Spring

Although there is no specific treatment for spring astenia, there are some guidelines that can help you feel better. Here are a few:

1. Maintain a balanced diet.

Eating well is key. Make sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables. Flowers can also be eaten, but I do not recommend making salads with them!

2. Exercise.

You don't have to run a marathon. A walk outdoors can do wonders. At the end of the day, movement generates energy, even if it seems contradictory.

Read this article: low-impact physical exercises.

3. Get enough sleep.

Take advantage of the longer nights to rest. Your body needs to recharge energy.

Read this article: I wake up at 3 a.m. and can't go back to sleep, what should I do?

4. Connect with nature.

Go out, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the beauty that spring offers. It's like a natural spa.

5. Consult a professional.

If you feel overwhelmed by astenia, don't hesitate to talk to a doctor. They can provide guidance and support.

Enjoying Spring!

Así que ahí lo tienes. La primavera trae consigo un torbellino de cambios que pueden dejarte sintiéndote un poco "fuera de juego". Pero con algunos ajustes y cuidados, puedes navegar estos tiempos de transición y aprovechar al máximo esta hermosa estación.

Recuerda, ¡no estás solo en esto! Si sientes que la astenia primaveral te afecta más de lo esperado, una consulta médica siempre es una buena opción.

Ready to enjoy spring? Let's make the most of those sunny days and fill ourselves with energy!

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