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Best Nighttime Habits: Dinner and Sleep to Improve Your Health

Discover nighttime habits that improve your sleep, eliminate toxins, and prepare your body for restorative rest. Transform your nights!...
29-07-2024 21:30

  1. The Importance of a Nighttime Routine
  2. A consistent sleep schedule
  3. Exercise and meditation as allies
  4. Limit screen exposure and create a suitable environment

The Importance of a Nighttime Routine

During dinner and before going to sleep, adopting healthy habits can transform sleep quality and help "cleanse" the toxins accumulated during the day.

The stress, which affects people 24/7, causes changes in hormones and neurotransmitters, resulting in fragmented sleep and, in some cases, insomnia. To promote restorative rest, it is essential to create a nighttime routine that includes relaxing rituals and an environment conducive to sleep.

A consistent sleep schedule

Having a regular sleep schedule is key to improving the quality of rest. The National Sleep Academy of the U.S. suggests getting up at the same time every day, which helps regulate the sleep cycle.

Dr. Stella Maris Valiensi emphasizes the importance of creating a suitable sleeping environment, such as dimming the lights and turning off electronic devices at least one hour before bed.

An erratic schedule can interfere with the release of hormones like melatonin and cortisol, affecting sleep quality.

Exercise and meditation as allies

Doing gentle exercise, such as walking, for at least one hour a day can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and improve memory.

Dr. Valiensi recommends engaging in outdoor physical activity, preferably in the afternoon, and avoiding vigorous exercise in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Additionally, meditation and relaxation techniques such as mindfulness can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety, thus facilitating deep sleep.

Limit screen exposure and create a suitable environment

Limiting screen time before bed is crucial. The blue light from devices inhibits melatonin production, affecting sleep patterns. Instead, reading on paper can be an excellent habit to promote relaxation.

It is also important to create a proper sleep environment: keeping the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet contributes to restorative rest.

By adopting these habits, not only is the quality of sleep improved, but brain health is also protected, ensuring optimal functioning of the star organ of our body.

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