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9 Expert Keys for Deep and Restorative Sleep

Discover 9 expert keys for uninterrupted sleep. Small changes in your habits can transform your rest into a restorative experience....
30-10-2024 13:47

  1. The Importance of Small Changes
  2. The Rhythms of Day and Night
  3. Healthy Habits for Deep Sleep
  4. Reducing Nighttime Stress

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The Importance of Small Changes

The quality of our sleep can significantly improve with the addition of small adjustments in our daytime and nighttime habits. Although many people focus solely on sleeping eight hours, the science of sleep indicates that the quality of rest is more important than the exact quantity of hours.

According to Russell Foster, an expert in circadian rhythms at the University of Oxford, healthy sleep can vary from 6.5 to 10 hours, depending on the person and their stage of life. This flexible approach to sleep emphasizes the need to adapt our routines to achieve truly restorative rest.

The Rhythms of Day and Night

Our bodies are intrinsically connected to the natural cycle of light and darkness. Exposure to sunlight, even on cloudy days, is crucial for keeping our biological clock in tune with the outside world.

This process, regulated by our circadian rhythm, not only affects when we sleep and wake up, but also influences various bodily functions. Foster mentions that maintaining a regular sleep routine, even on weekends, is vital to avoid "social jet lag" that can disrupt our sleep-wake cycle.

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Healthy Habits for Deep Sleep

Physical activity is another important pillar for improving sleep quality. However, it is important to avoid intense exercises right before going to bed.

Additionally, short breaks like 20-minute naps can be beneficial if scheduled properly.

Regarding diet, it is advisable to avoid caffeine after noon and opt for light dinners, as this helps to prevent digestive issues that can disrupt sleep.

Reducing Nighttime Stress

The use of electronic devices before sleeping is a common practice, but it can be detrimental to quality rest. It's not just the blue light from screens that affects sleep, but also the content we consume, which can generate anxiety.

Foster suggests avoiding late-night news and social media before bed. In case of sleeplessness, it is essential not to stress and to choose relaxing activities like reading under dim light. Meditation and mindfulness techniques can also facilitate a state of relaxation that promotes deep and restorative sleep.

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