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From Obsessives to Perfectionists: The Impact of These Behaviors on Your Life

Discover how obsessive and perfectionist behaviors can affect your daily life. An expert analysis reveals their possible addictive nature....
20-08-2024 18:58

  1. Psychic Addiction: A Contemporary Approach
  2. Addictive Behaviors in Daily Life
  3. The Psychic Dimension of Addiction
  4. Treatment and Perspectives

Psychic Addiction: A Contemporary Approach

The whirlwind of everyday life presents, at times, challenges and situations that demand a delicate balance in the way individuals approach their behaviors.

These behaviors can reveal a deep connection between the psyche and an individual's actions.

Recently, Dr. Jessica Del Pozo, a clinical psychologist, introduced the concept of "psychic addictions" in an article in Psychology Today, proposing that certain behaviors, such as perfectionism and the pursuit of validation, can transform into addictive patterns.

Addictive Behaviors in Daily Life

Dr. Del Pozo identified several "psychic addictions," such as "addiction to intensity," which leads people to exaggerate their emotions in an attempt to gain validation; "addiction to perfection," which generates an extreme intolerance towards mistakes; "addiction to certainty," which is related to a compulsive control of the environment; and "fixation on what is broken," which causes people to focus on the negative.

According to the specialist, any behavior can become addictive if it is pursued compulsively, despite its harmful consequences.

Cynthia Zaiatz, head of the Mental Health Service at Sanatorio Modelo de Caseros in Buenos Aires, reinforces this idea by pointing out that there are behavioral addictions that do not necessarily involve substance use.

These behaviors can lead to an unsatisfactory life, as the person feels an urgent need to repeat certain actions, such as excessive use of social media or compulsive shopping.

The Psychic Dimension of Addiction

The experts consulted by Infobae also discuss the relationship between these psychic addictions and the need for social recognition.

Nicolás Bousoño, a professor of Psychopathology at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, points out that the search for validation can lead to the adoption of addictive behaviors.

"Recognition is essential in human life," he states, and when it is lost, people may seek it in practices that become compulsive and harmful. Sergio Rojtenberg, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, emphasizes that addiction is defined as a compulsive pursuit that interferes with the individual's life. While many people feel the need to validate themselves, not everyone develops an addiction.

For him, perfection may be more of a personality trait than an addiction in itself.

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Treatment and Perspectives

The treatment of these psychic addictions can be complex and must be tailored to individual needs. Andrea Vázquez, a doctor in psychology, emphasizes that the approach should be holistic and multidisciplinary, considering biological and psychological aspects.

Therapies can include everything from individual attention to group interventions and medical treatments.

Dr. Elsa Costanzo, head of the Psychiatry Service at the Fleni Institute in Buenos Aires, concludes that personal vulnerability and epigenetic factors play a crucial role in the predisposition to addiction.

An integral approach is fundamental to addressing these issues, allowing individuals to reconstruct their history and find a path towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

In summary, the concept of "psychic addictions" opens a new horizon in understanding compulsive behaviors, highlighting the importance of a psychological perspective that considers both the individual and their social environment.

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