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Concerning: study links exposure to electronic devices and suicide in young people

Studies have revealed that providing these devices to children at an early age may be correlated with an increase in the incidence of certain serious mental health problems....
14-05-2024 10:41

  1. Increase in suicidal ideation
  2. Increase in aggressiveness
  3. Feelings of detachment from reality
  4. Higher incidence in women
  5. What can we do about it?

In today's digital age, the presence of electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets has become a constant in everyday life, even from a young age.

However, recent studies have revealed that providing these devices to children at a young age may be correlated with an increase in the incidence of certain serious mental and behavioral health problems.

Increase in suicidal ideation

One of the most alarming findings is the correlation between early use of smartphones or tablets and an increase in suicidal ideation.

Constant exposure to social networks and other applications can increase children's vulnerability to factors such as cyberbullying, social comparison, and emotional dependence, all of which can contribute to suicidal thoughts.

Increase in aggressiveness

Another concerning consequence of early use of electronic devices is an increase in aggressive behaviors. Violent games, unrestricted access to inappropriate content, and lack of supervision can foster aggressive attitudes in children.

Furthermore, face-to-face interaction, crucial for the development of social and emotional skills, is reduced, which can contribute to the expression of aggression.

Feelings of detachment from reality

The excessive use of electronic devices is also related to feelings of detachment from reality. Children who spend a significant amount of time immersed in the digital world may develop a disconnection from the real world, affecting their ability to manage everyday situations and actively participate in their physical environment.

Higher incidence in women

An interesting and noteworthy aspect is that these risks are more prominent in women.

Girls seem to be more susceptible to the negative effects of early smartphone and tablet use, which may be due to factors such as greater social pressure, vulnerability to cyberbullying, and impacts on their self-esteem.

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What can we do about it?

It is crucial for parents, educators, and policymakers to consider these findings when allowing early access to electronic devices.

Proper supervision, setting time limits, and promoting activities that foster social and emotional development can help mitigate these risks.

Technology offers countless benefits, but its use should be managed carefully, especially in the formative stages of childhood, to ensure healthy and balanced development.

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I wrote this article based on a document published by Sapien Labs titled "Age of First Smartphone/Tablet and Mental Wellbeing Outcomes" on May 15, 2023.

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