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Scientists Discover Hormone that Activates the Desire to Exercise: Get Motivated!

Scientists from CNIC in Spain have discovered a compound that activates the desire to exercise by connecting muscles and the brain. Discover how it boosts your physical activity!...
16-08-2024 13:47

  1. The discovery of IL-15: a new exercise hormone
  2. The mechanism of action of IL-15
  3. Implications for Metabolic Health
  4. Future Perspectives in the Treatment of Sedentarism

The discovery of IL-15: a new exercise hormone

A recent study conducted by the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Spain has revealed the crucial role of interleukin-15 (IL-15) in the communication between muscles and the brain during physical activity.

Published in the journal Science Advances, this finding suggests that IL-15, released by muscles during exercise, acts as a messenger that increases the desire to maintain physical activity.

Researcher Cintia Folgueira stated that this discovery implies a "continuous dialogue" between muscle and brain, where exercise not only improves physical condition but also motivates continued movement.

The mechanism of action of IL-15

IL-15 works by activating the motor cortex of the brain, an essential region for planning and executing voluntary movements.

Through the p38γ signaling pathway, IL-15 is primarily produced during exercise, especially in activities that require intense muscle contractions.

Once released, this hormone travels through the bloodstream to reach the brain, where it enhances spontaneous locomotor activity and, therefore, the motivation to exercise.

This discovery redefines our understanding of how the brain not only reacts to physical activity but also plays an active role in regulating motivation for movement.

This suggests that promoting the production of IL-15 through exercise could be an effective strategy to combat sedentarism.

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Implications for Metabolic Health

In addition to its influence on physical activity, IL-15 shows significant potential in the prevention of metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Researchers have observed that this hormone not only improves energy metabolism but can also reduce the risk of developing conditions related to inactivity.

The natural stimulation of IL-15 during exercise highlights the importance of maintaining an active routine.

Activities such as running, swimming, or cycling not only improve cardiovascular health but also increase the production of IL-15, creating a positive cycle that encourages greater physical activity.

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Future Perspectives in the Treatment of Sedentarism

The discovery of IL-15 opens the door to new therapeutic strategies that could transform the way we approach sedentary lifestyles and metabolic diseases.

Researchers, led by Folgueira, are exploring the possibility of developing treatments that mimic or enhance the action of IL-15, which could motivate people to be more active.

This approach would not only benefit those struggling with metabolic diseases but could also be useful for individuals who have difficulty maintaining an exercise routine or older adults who need to improve their mobility and overall well-being.

As we continue to understand how communication between muscles and the brain influences our behavior, new therapies are expected to emerge that could be applied in various areas of medicine, promoting a more active and healthy life.

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