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Fatty liver? Discover how to prevent and reverse it in time

Discover how to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition that affects nearly 4 out of 10 people. Detecting it in time can save your liver!...
02-10-2024 15:10

  1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver: A Silent Problem
  2. The Story of Geraldine: A Lesson in Alertness
  3. Who is at Risk? We Tell You Here
  4. Reverse the Situation: Yes, It Can Be Done!

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver: A Silent Problem

Have you ever wondered how many people around you might be dealing with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease without even knowing it? Nearly four out of ten people in the world face this condition.

Yes, you read that right! But don’t be scared, because if detected in time, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Imagine you are at a party. The music is playing, people are laughing, but in a corner, your liver is throwing a secret party full of fat. Not so fun, right?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or MASLD (for its acronym in English), can be asymptomatic until it becomes a serious problem, as happened to Geraldine Frank. Sometimes, our organs are more reserved than a friend on a date, and that can be costly.

The Story of Geraldine: A Lesson in Alertness

Geraldine was ready to celebrate her 62nd birthday, but her son noticed that something was wrong. Her yellowing eyes were not a reflection of the birthday cake, but rather a concerning jaundice.

How is it possible that, in the 21st century, no one mentioned to her that her liver could be a problem? This highlights a crucial point: the lack of information can lead many to face late diagnoses.

Cirrhosis, which can be the result of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is like a silent thief that steals people's health. And when it appears, it is often already too late. So, don't you think it's time to pay a little more attention to the messages our body sends us?

Who is at Risk? We Tell You Here

If you are overweight, have type 2 diabetes, or hypertension, pay attention. You are part of a risk group. Insulin resistance and an unhealthy diet can cause your liver to become a storehouse of fat. And no, we are not talking about a candy store, but about an accumulation that could lead to serious problems.

Latinos have an even greater risk due to genetic predispositions and metabolic issues. So, if you find yourself in this group, why not consider a change in habits? Remember, the liver needs love too!

Reverse the Situation: Yes, It Can Be Done!

Cuando detected in time, non-alcoholic fatty liver can be reversed. Weight loss and dietary changes are key. Think of the Mediterranean diet, full of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Forget about fast food! And don't forget to move, at least 150 minutes a week. Have you imagined yourself doing chair yoga or taking daily walks?

A good example is Shawanna James-Coles, who, after her diagnosis, decided to take action. With small but significant changes, she managed to lose 22 kilos. Her fibrosis is now at stage 0-1. Bravo for her! The key is in maintenance.

And if you need an extra push, there are medications on the way, like resmetirom, which promises to help those who already have fibrosis. But remember, the best medicine will always be a healthy lifestyle.

In summary, non-alcoholic fatty liver is a serious but manageable problem. Stay alert, get informed, and take action. Your liver will thank you!

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