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Oats: how to use them to gain muscle mass

Do you know how to use oats to gain muscle mass? Here are some tips and recipes that will help you improve your muscles....
04-06-2024 20:56

Hey you! Yes, you who want to get stronger, I have good news for you: oats are your best friend. This cereal is not only delicious and versatile, but also packed with proteins, slow carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

You can do anything with it, from cookies and energy bars to soups, meatballs, and post-workout shakes. And if you can't even stand the smell of gluten, there is gluten-free oats for you. Just make sure it's certified to avoid any surprises.

Oats are not just a food; it's almost a superhero in the fitness world.

To start your day off right, experts suggest eating it for breakfast with some milk, yogurt, and fruits.

This combination will give you the energy you need to face a day full of action.

Did you know that an article on PubMed found that a high-protein breakfast can increase muscle mass and strength? So it's not just a fairy tale, dear reader.

But wait, there's more. Some fitness gurus prefer oats before exercise for a steady energy supply, while others have them post-workout to help you recover. Which team are you on? Tell me in the comments!

Another study on PubMed showed that oat protein can help reduce muscle pain and inflammation after intense training. A real lifesaver, don't you think?

Now, before diving into the cereal, soaking oats is a good idea. This removes phytic acid, which can hinder the absorption of important minerals like calcium and zinc. Plus, it makes it more digestible. Are you up for trying this trick?

Want to eat something delicious to live longer? I'll tell you in this article: How to live over 100 years by eating this delicious food.

And the million-dollar question: with water or with milk?

If you opt for water, you will get more fiber and fewer calories, perfect for low-calorie diets. But if you choose milk, you will gain in calcium and proteins, crucial for bone health and muscle growth.

Oats are, without a doubt, a basic ally if you want to gain muscle. Its complex carbohydrates keep you energized, and when combined with proteins, you help your body recover after exercise. Additionally, the fiber it contains improves digestion and nutrient absorption.

Including oats in your diet is not just about when to eat them, but also how to strategically integrate them.

If you are also on a mission to lose weight, oats are your loyal friend. They swell in the stomach, keeping you full for hours and helping to avoid sudden cravings. Additionally, its protein helps maintain muscle mass and an active metabolism. And with its low glycemic index, it is also great for metabolic health.

Did you get that oats are a must in your diet? Dare to experiment and tell me how it goes. Let's give it our all!

I recommend you keep reading this article:Lose weight using the Mediterranean diet.

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