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Make the most of the nutrients in fruit and vegetable peels

Discover how the nutrients in the outer parts of foods promote well-being and the optimal functioning of your body. Take care of your health!...
24-07-2024 14:19

  1. Peels, the forgotten part of the fruit!
  2. Benefits You Can't Miss
  3. A world of options: which peels to include in your diet?
  4. Wash and enjoy!

Peels, the forgotten part of the fruit!

Have you ever wondered what lies behind the peels of fruits and vegetables? It turns out that those outer layers, which we often disregard, are true nutritional gems. Consuming them has become a rising trend.

Why? Because they are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. So, the next time you peel an apple, think twice. You might be discarding a treasure!

Benefits You Can't Miss

Peels are like superheroes of nutrition. They are packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and carotenoids, which help protect our cells from damage.

For example, the skin of the apple not only provides fiber but also has a significant concentration of antioxidants. Long live digestive health! Furthermore, a study from the National Library of Medicine highlights that it may help protect us from chronic diseases.

Can you imagine eating something that is not only delicious but can also make you stronger? It's like having an ally on your plate!

A world of options: which peels to include in your diet?

Do you like watermelon? Perfect! Its rind is not only rich in fiber, but it also contains citrulline, an amino acid that improves circulation. And let's not forget the peach, whose skin is full of antioxidants.

Did you know that orange peel has more fiber than the pulp?

Incredible! Moreover, eggplant and cucumber are also fantastic options. The cucumber peel, for example, can help prevent cancer. A true green hero!

But, wait a moment. Not all peels are suitable for consumption.

The peels of bananas, melons, pineapples, and avocados can cause stomach discomfort. And let’s not even mention mango skin, which can provoke allergic reactions.

So, before you dive into eating peels, do a little research!

Wash and enjoy!

Ahora que sabes que las cáscaras son nutritivas, aquí va un consejo clave: ¡lava bien tus frutas y verduras! Eliminar residuos de pesticidas y suciedad es esencial para disfrutar de todos sus beneficios. Si puedes, elige productos orgánicos. Además, asegúrate de que las cáscaras estén frescas y sin daños.

Can you imagine enjoying a delicious peel salad only to find out they were spoiled? No, thank you!

So, the next time you go to the market, don't forget to include those peels on your list. They are a simple way to boost your diet and reduce waste. Are you brave enough to try? Your body will thank you!

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