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Living over 100 years? The delicious food that will help you according to this expert

Billionaire Bryan Johnson, known for his relentless pursuit of longevity and immortality, has revealed on his YouTube channel that one of his secrets to maintaining youth....
23-05-2024 11:43

The billionaire Bryan Johnson, known for his relentless pursuit of longevity and immortality, has revealed on his YouTube channel that one of his secrets to maintaining youth and health lies in the daily consumption of high-quality cocoa.

Johnson, who has transitioned from a diet heavy in fast food and processed sugar to following a strict health and nutrition regimen, claims that cocoa has been instrumental in his transformation.

Meanwhile, I suggest scheduling time to read this article:Protect your children from junk food: easy guide

In a post on the social network X, Johnson shared that he suffered a decade of chronic depression and business stress in his 20s, leading him to reevaluate his lifestyle with a science-based approach.

Currently, Johnson monitors his health with a team of over 30 doctors, maintains an extreme exercise routine, undergoes blood transfusions with his son and father, and follows a strict vegan diet.

One key component of his diet is cocoa, which he consumes for its longevity and overall health benefits.

Johnson asserts that daily cocoa consumption enhances brain health, improves focus and memory, promotes cardiovascular health, and elevates mood.

His claim is supported by scientific studies that endorse the benefits of cocoa, such as lowering blood pressure due to flavonoids that promote nitric oxide production and improve blood flow. Additionally, dark chocolate has been shown to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol, aiding in cholesterol management.

Cocoa contains flavonoids that, according to various studies, enhance blood circulation in the brain, benefiting memory, reaction time, and problem-solving skills.

The theobromine and caffeine present in chocolate can also boost attention and mood. Some studies suggest that cocoa may increase cerebral blood flow, thus reducing the risk of dementia.

Another important aspect is the anti-inflammatory effect of dark chocolate, which can help combat chronic inflammation associated with diseases like type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and certain types of cancer.

According to study reviews, chocolate compounds can also positively influence the gut microbiome and promote anti-inflammatory activity.

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Other foods to live longer

Johnson's diet is not limited to just cocoa. It includes a wide variety of high-quality foods, such as steamed vegetables, split lentils, walnut pudding made with milk and macadamia nuts, chia seeds, flaxseed, and pomegranate juice.

He also consumes turmeric, black pepper, and ginger root to support liver function and reduce inflammation, as well as zinc and a microdose of lithium for brain health.

In addition, Johnson prepares a juice called "Green Giant" which contains powdered chlorella, spermidine, an amino acid complex, creatine, collagen peptides, and Ceylon cinnamon, along with high-quality cocoa powder.

In his videos, Johnson emphasizes the importance of selecting pure, unprocessed cocoa free of heavy metals, with a high flavonol content for maximum benefits.

Furthermore, Johnson shares simple recipes using cocoa powder, from walnut pudding to a healthy version of "Nutella" made with nut butter, added cocoa to coffee, and milk blends, showing that it is possible to incorporate this superfood in a delicious and beneficial way into daily diet.

Johnson criticizes the nutritional offerings of supermarkets and questions food regulation, emphasizing the importance of choosing high-quality products for a longer and healthier life.

As a nutritionist, I can add that cocoa, rich in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, can certainly be part of a balanced diet, improving cardiovascular and brain health.

However, it is essential to combine its consumption with a varied and balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, to obtain all the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

See how important nutrition is and how it influences quality of life:Science discovers a link between bipolar disorder and diet

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