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How we think influences the perception of the passage of time

Researchers find that our brain acts as a recorder of experiences. From this, it seems to us that time passes more quickly or slowly....
25-07-2024 15:57

  1. The Weather and Our Brain: A Complicated Love
  2. Experiences: The True Keeper of Time
  3. Why is Boredom a Villain of Time?
  4. How Can You Make Time Fly?

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The Weather and Our Brain: A Complicated Love

The passage of time has fascinated the human mind since forever. From ancient sundials to modern digital gadgets, humanity has sought ways to measure it.

But have you ever wondered why sometimes time flies and other times it seems to drag on like a turtle in "slow motion" mode? That perception often depends on what we are doing.

A new study from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, suggests that our brain does not function like an internal clock, but rather like a count of experiences.

Yes, that's right! Our brain keeps track of the activities we engage in and, based on that, decides whether time flies or comes to a halt.

Experiences: The True Keeper of Time

Researchers discovered that by engaging in more activities, the brain perceives time as passing more quickly. James Hyman, a psychology professor and the study's lead author, explains it simply:

"When we are bored, time seems to pass slowly; but when we are busy, each activity we perform makes our brain move forward."

So, if you've ever felt that a day full of tasks slipped through your fingers, now you have an explanation.

During the study, some mice were asked to use their noses to respond to a signal 200 times. Yes, these little rodents became the protagonists of a race against time.

Scientists noticed that brain activity varied depending on how many times the action was repeated.

Can you imagine if instead of mice, it were people doing mundane tasks? The office would be a true spectacle of neurons in action!

In the meantime, I suggest you read:You can't stop time, so you could be productive

Why is Boredom a Villain of Time?

Now, boredom is a great enemy in this struggle. Hyman mentions that the brain is not a clock, but a counter that "feels" time.

When we are caught in a monotonous activity, like watching a movie we don't like, the brain slows down and, consequently, time seems to stretch. But in contrast, when there is movement and fun, things change.

Imagine two workers in a factory! One finishes their task in 30 minutes and the other in 90. Both may be working with the same intensity, but their perception of time can be completely different.

This leads us to wonder: how many times have you looked at the clock waiting for the workday to end?

In the meantime, I suggest you read:methods for modern life stress relief

How Can You Make Time Fly?

If time flies when we are busy, then how can you take advantage of this in your daily life? Hyman suggests that if you feel overwhelmed, slow down. If you are bored, add activities. This means you can take control of your perception of time.

So the next time you feel time standing still, try doing something different. Maybe dance a little or learn a new recipe!

The findings of this study are not only interesting but also offer a perspective on how our daily experiences affect our perception of time. We may not be able to stop time, but at least we can learn to enjoy it more.

Ready to put it into practice? Go ahead!

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