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Incredible revelations about this Egyptian mummy

New research reveals secrets about Egypt's famous remains. Experts suggest that her tragic death could unveil an ancient enigma....
05-08-2024 15:54

  1. The mystery of the “Screaming Woman”
  2. New technologies, new revelations
  3. A glimpse into funerary commerce
  4. More than a scream, a legacy

The mystery of the “Screaming Woman”

Imagine encountering a mummy that seems to be trapped in a perpetual scream. It sounds like something out of a horror movie, right?

But this is the intriguing case of the "Screaming Woman," a 3,500-year-old mummy that has baffled Egyptologists for decades.

This mysterious figure not only challenges our ideas about mummification, but it may also help us solve an ancient enigma.

Who was she really and what happened to her?

New technologies, new revelations

A group of researchers, led by Professor Sahar Saleem, has used cutting-edge technologies, such as computed tomography and infrared spectroscopy, to unravel the secrets of this mummy.

Thanks to these methods, they have discovered that the open-mouth posture could be the result of a cadaveric spasm. This completely changes the narrative, as it was previously thought to be a sign of poor embalming.

What an unexpected twist!

Furthermore, this analysis revealed that the woman was approximately 48 years old at the time of her death and suffered from various health conditions. But the most astonishing finding was that no incision had been made for embalming.

In other words, her internal organs remained intact, defying the common practices of the time.

Can you imagine what this could mean for our understanding of mummification in ancient Egypt?

A glimpse into funerary commerce

What truly fascinates me about this discovery is how it showcases the sophistication of trade in ancient Egypt.

The analyses revealed that the "Screaming Woman" was embalmed with juniper and incense, luxury materials imported from distant regions.

This not only highlights the wealth and social status of the woman but also gives us a glimpse into the funerary practices of the time.

The Egyptians knew how to give a dignified farewell!

The use of these ingredients was not just for aroma; they acted as preservatives, helping to preserve the body. So, while you thought that mummification was just a matter of wrapping and sealing, surprise! There was a whole chemical process behind this.

More than a scream, a legacy

The "Screaming Woman" is not just an isolated case. Her hair dyed with henna and juniper, combined with the wig made from date palm, shows that the desire for beauty and youth was as important then as it is today.

This attention to detail in her appearance reveals much about the cultural values of Egyptian society.

Until 1998, this mummy remained at the Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine in Cairo, where many studies were conducted on her. Today, her legacy lives on, displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

The next time you think of the "Screaming Woman," remember that her story goes beyond her mysterious facial expression. It is a reminder of the complexity of a rich and fascinating culture.

So, what do you think? Do you believe ancient Egypt had more secrets than we think? Let me know your thoughts!

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