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A movie-like scene! A wounded family is rescued by a storm chaser

In a video taken from his car, a storm chaser saved a family that had been hit by an impressive tornado in Texas, USA. The video looks like something out of a movie!...
03-05-2024 11:26

Like something out of a disaster movie, a video of storm chaser Freddy McKinney rescuing a family went viral.

In the video, you can see the professional spotting a family in the distance, with a girl injured, likely with a broken arm.

In the background, providing an imposing and catastrophic backdrop, the tornado funnel can be seen.

The event took place in Hawley, Texas, during the hurricane season in the United States.

Freddy McKinney posted on his Twitter that both he and the family are now safe.

The rescued family is recovering in the hospital. The family home was completely destroyed, as McKinney reports.

Images of the family recovering and of the house can be seen on Twitter.

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