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The ideal amount of physical activity for children: how much is a lot?

Discover the importance of physical activity in children and how much time they should exercise according to their age for healthy development....
26-07-2024 13:53

  1. The Importance of Active Play
  2. How Much Time Should They Exercise According to Age?
  3. Promoting Healthy Habits
  4. Benefits Beyond Physical Health

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The Importance of Active Play

On a sunny afternoon in the park, children run, jump, and play with overflowing joy. This scene, besides being a moment of fun, is essential for their overall development. Physical activity in children is not only crucial for physical health but also for their emotional and social well-being.

Who wouldn't want to see their little ones grow up healthy and happy while having fun?

Experts recommend that children engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. But wait! This recommendation varies by age. So, if you have a child at home, keep reading.

How Much Time Should They Exercise According to Age?

For children under 5 years old, it is suggested that they engage in at least 180 minutes of physical activity throughout the day.

Yes, you read that right! Three hours of play, spread out in such a way that it doesn't feel like a chore, but rather an adventure.

Starting at 3 years old, it is recommended that at least 60 minutes be of moderate or vigorous intensity. Doesn't that sound fun?

The most common forms of exercise for children include recreational activities such as outdoor play, cycling, swimming, and team sports. Imagine your child playing soccer or swimming like a fish. Those are golden moments!

Promoting Healthy Habits

It is crucial for parents and caregivers to foster an environment where exercise is seen as an integral and fun part of the daily routine. And here comes the most exciting part: the combination of structured activities with free play. This ensures a balanced approach to physical exercise.

Russ Jago from the University of Bristol mentions that reaching that daily hour may seem complicated, but by adding up playtime in the yard or extracurricular activities, it becomes much easier!

In the United States, only 21% of children aged 6 to 17 meet the guidelines. How alarming! And in the United Kingdom, exercise levels decline with age.

I also suggest reading: How to avoid junk food in children

Benefits Beyond Physical Health

In addition to the time spent exercising, variety is key. Incorporating activities that develop bone strength, motor skills, and muscle tone is essential. According to Jago, activities such as throwing, catching, and jumping are vital.

But it doesn't stop there. Simon Cooper from Nottingham Trent University states that even brief bursts of exercise can enhance executive function in children. This is crucial for complex decision-making and concentration ability.

Who wouldn't want their child to concentrate better on their tasks?

For parents worried about their children's lack of activity, Jago recommends identifying activities they enjoy that can become a natural habit. The best physical activity is the one they actually do, says Cooper. So, how about organizing a treasure hunt in the backyard? The only limit is your imagination!

Regular physical activity in children brings multiple benefits that cover different aspects of their development. So, are you ready to get those little restless legs moving?

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