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Video: almost cuts off a finger trying out the new Tesla car

Elon Musk, I suggest you watch this video too: a user of the new Tesla car almost severed their finger trying out the automatic trunk closure of this new electric vehicle....
03-05-2024 20:53

Jeremy, the protagonist of this video, tries to put different objects and, finally, his finger, in the trunk of the new Tesla Cybertruck and almost ends up amputating a finger.

As he recounts on his Twitter (which you can see below), "First I closed the arm, then the hand and finally the finger."

According to Jeremy, "Tesla should try to make it as safe as possible, but some injuries could be inevitable. Something similar to what happens when you break a finger with a car door."

See how his finger ended up after testing the automatic trunk closure!

Elon (Elon Musk, for those who do not know, is the owner of Tesla): check out this video too!

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