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Human evolution is against you exercising: learn to overcome it

Do you feel like your brain is sabotaging you? Science has good news for you. Discover how to overcome these obstacles and boost your mind. Get informed now!...
12-09-2024 20:16

Have you ever wondered why it sometimes seems easier to watch Netflix than to exercise? Don’t worry! You’re not alone in this struggle.

A recent study indicates that if we ask 29,600 people if they plan to change their lifestyle habits, the majority will say no. And even though some will try, almost half will achieve nothing. What a scenario!

The reason behind this is the famous "law of least effort."

Yes, that same one that whispers in our ear that it’s better to stay on the couch with a bag of chips than to go for a walk in the park. Scientists have been investigating this phenomenon for years.

Can you imagine? A group of neuropsychologists dedicating their time to understanding why we prefer comfort over activity.

The theory suggests that there are automatic processes in our brain that push us to avoid expending energy. Incredible! And it’s not just out of laziness; there are evolutionary reasons.

Throughout history, we have learned to "do more with less." And, although this has been useful for survival in tough times, today it works against our health in a world where sedentary lifestyles have become an epidemic.

But, is this a trap we can’t escape? Not so fast! Rather, it’s a "bias" that slowly diverts us from our path. Imagine you’re on a journey and, due to a slight detour, you end up in a completely different place. That’s how this works. In the short term, we don’t notice the effect, but in the long term, it can be devastating!

Now, here comes the good part. If we understand this phenomenon, we can implement strategies that help us escape this sedentary trap. The key lies in behavioral activation techniques, which are like a GPS for our well-being. Here are some rules that can make a difference:

1. Change what you do to change how you feel. If you want to feel more active, you need to move!

2. Structure and schedule your activities. Don’t let your mood decide whether you exercise. Make a plan and stick to it.

3. Start slowly. Don’t try to run a marathon overnight. Your body will thank you!

4. Look for activities you enjoy. If you love dancing, dance! If you prefer walking with friends, do it! The idea is to have fun while you move.

And, lastly, remember: talk less and act more! That’s the true key to leaving behind the law of least effort. So the next time you find yourself on the couch, ask yourself: "Do I really want to stay here or would I prefer to do something that makes me feel good?"

So, are you ready to take that first step? Let’s break free from sedentary lifestyles together!

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