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Colonoscopy: the leading method for detecting colon cancer

Colonoscopy: leader in colon cancer detection. A study in the U.S. confirms its superiority over the new blood test approved by the FDA....
30-10-2024 12:30

  1. Advances in Colon Cancer Detection: What Do Recent Studies Say?
  2. Comparison of detection methods: Colonoscopies vs. blood tests
  3. The crucial role of colonoscopies in cancer prevention
  4. The future of colon cancer detection

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Advances in Colon Cancer Detection: What Do Recent Studies Say?

A recent study conducted in the United States has highlighted the effectiveness of colonoscopies compared to the new blood tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the detection of colon cancer.

Although the approval of these blood tests represents a significant advancement in the detection of colorectal cancer, colonoscopies remain the most effective method for preventing and detecting this type of cancer.

Comparison of detection methods: Colonoscopies vs. blood tests

The study revealed that those who choose to undergo a blood test every three years have a significantly higher risk of dying from colon cancer compared to those who have a colonoscopy every decade.

In fact, the mortality risk is approximately 2.5 times greater with blood tests. This is because, although the blood test has a high detection rate for existing cancers, it barely identifies precancerous polyps, which limits its preventive capacity.

The crucial role of colonoscopies in cancer prevention

One of the key advantages of colonoscopy is its ability not only to detect but also to prevent colon cancer. During this procedure, doctors can remove precancerous polyps, thereby reducing the risk of them developing into cancer.

Although the preparation for a colonoscopy can be uncomfortable and the procedure itself requires sedation, it remains a unique and highly effective preventive method.

The future of colon cancer detection

Blood tests represent a promising and less invasive option for those who avoid colonoscopies or fecal tests. However, experts warn that a massive shift towards these tests could raise mortality rates and increase healthcare costs.

Therefore, it is ideal for people to continue using traditional tests, resorting to blood tests only if other options are unviable. As technology advances, a combination of different detection methods could offer the best protection against colorectal cancer.

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