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How to Return to Eating Meat if You Were Vegetarian

An Argentine actress, Agustina Cherri, has returned to eating meat after 16 years of being vegetarian. Discover expert advice on how to do it healthily....
05-08-2024 14:42

  1. The return to meat: a challenge for the body
  2. Vegetables: the indispensable ally
  3. Proteins: the engine of our body

An Argentine actress named Agustina Cherri, known for her commitment to healthy eating, has made an unexpected turn in her diet. After 16 years of vegetarianism, she decided to start consuming meat again during her fourth pregnancy.

In an open conversation with her followers on social media, Cherri admitted that the need to incorporate meat arose during her pregnancy with her son Bono.

Can you imagine the surprise of her fans? Almost like a unicorn making its appearance on screen!

Cherri shared that her current approach is based on a balanced diet. When asked about her radiant appearance, she did not hesitate to emphasize that the key is to eat a variety of foods.

And how right she is! Maintaining balance is essential, but what happens when someone decides to make such a radical change in their diet?

The return to meat: a challenge for the body

When a vegetarian or vegan returns to a diet that includes meat, the body may face certain challenges.

According to nutritionist Nadia Hrycyk, the body has the ability to adapt, although digesting meat requires more work.

It's like your stomach has to attend an intensive class on "How to Digest Meat 101"!

Hrycyk advises starting with small portions. Imagine that your body is like a child trying broccoli for the first time; you have to take it slow.

White meats, which are easier to digest, could be a good starting point. So, if you decide to follow in Agustina Cherri's footsteps, get ready to experience a new level of flavor!

How to incorporate oats into your diet to gain muscle mass

Vegetables: the indispensable ally

One might think that when returning to eating meat, you should forget about vegetables. Big mistake!

Nadia Hrycyk emphasizes that half of your plate should be made up of vegetables.

This not only provides essential nutrients but also helps balance the protein from the meat.

So, if you think of a meat dish without vegetables, it's like a rock concert without a guitar!

Remember that a balanced diet translates into well-being. Don't forget to include whole carbohydrates in your diet, always instead of refined flours.

Have you wondered how you can improve your diet without losing your love for pasta? There's the key!

What are the essential nutrients for our diet

Proteins: the engine of our body

Proteins are essential. They are used to repair and produce new cells.

Proteins break down into amino acids, those little heroes that help our body function.

Protein sources are varied: from meats to legumes. Each option has its own nutritional value, and it is crucial to find a balance.

It is also important to note that lean red meat, consumed in moderation, is an excellent source of iron and vitamin B12. But, as always, moderation is key.

Don't rush into eating meat like a hungry dinosaur!

So, if you are considering a change in your diet like Agustina Cherri's, do it carefully.

Listen to your body and, above all, enjoy the variety! Eating is a journey, not a destination.

How about making it fun and colorful? Your plate will thank you!

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