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Microplastics in the brain, a finding that alarms scientists

Microplastics found in the brain: a study in the U.S. reveals their presence in this vital organ, raising concern within the scientific community....
28-08-2024 17:26

  1. Microplastics in the Brain: An Alarming Finding
  2. What Are Microplastics?
  3. Impact on Human Health
  4. The Need for Global Regulations

Microplastics in the Brain: An Alarming Finding

A recent study conducted in the United States has highlighted a concerning accumulation of microplastics in the human brain, a vital organ for life.

Still awaiting peer review, this study revealed that brain samples contained between 10 and 20 times more microplastics than other organs such as the liver and kidneys.

The findings indicate that 0.5% of the weight of some brain samples consisted of plastic, leading toxicologist Matthew Campen to describe these results as "alarming".

What Are Microplastics?

Microplastics are small plastic particles, less than 5 millimeters, that contaminate the environment. These particles come from various sources, such as cosmetics, synthetic clothing, and the degradation of plastic products.

Their presence in the environment is a growing problem, and it has now been shown that they also affect human health.

According to the United Nations, their omnipresence has generated increasing concern regarding public health and the environment.

Impact on Human Health

The research suggests that microplastics may have adverse effects on health, including a possible association with cardiovascular diseases.

A study conducted in Italy found that 58% of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy had micro and nanoplastics in the excised plaque, which increased their risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Furthermore, the chemical compounds that leach from plastics may be related to significant health problems, such as endocrine disruptions and cancer.

The Need for Global Regulations

With the growing evidence of the presence of microplastics in the human body and their impact on health, the scientific community advocates for immediate action.

Dr. Marina Fernández from CONICET in Argentina emphasizes the importance of continuing to investigate the effects of these pollutants and the urgent need for a global treaty on plastics. In November, the last negotiation meeting will be held to address this issue on a global scale.

Regulating not only the production of plastics but also the associated chemicals is essential to protect public health and the environment.

In conclusion, the increasing presence of microplastics in the human brain and other organs underscores the urgency of addressing this public health issue. Research and regulation are crucial steps to mitigate the risks associated with these contaminants.

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