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The Peruvian Carolina Herrera won an epic lawsuit against the famous Venezuelan Carolina Herrera

María Carolina Herrera, a Peruvian entrepreneur, won an epic lawsuit against the famous designer to use her name in a handmade soap venture....
29-08-2024 18:57

  1. The Legal Conflict between Two Carolina Herreras
  2. María Carolina's Defense
  3. The INDECOPI Ruling
  4. A Venture with a Social Cause

The Legal Conflict between Two Carolina Herreras

María Carolina Herrera, a Peruvian entrepreneur residing in Ate-Vitarte, has made history by winning a legal battle against the renowned Venezuelan designer Carolina Herrera.

This legal conflict, which began in 2021, arose when María Carolina decided to register her handmade soap venture, “La Jabonera by María Herrera,” with the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) of Peru.

The legal notification she received from Carolina Herrera Ltd. argued that the use of her name could cause confusion among consumers, as “Carolina Herrera” was already associated with luxury products.

María Carolina's Defense

Despite the challenge, María Carolina defended her right to use her own name.

“Carolina Herrera is my name, I have it on my identity document and I am Peruvian. I have every right to use it as it suits me,” she declared.

Her legal team argued that “Herrera” is a common surname in Peru, with more than 230,000 people bearing it, which reinforces her right to use it in her business.

This case became a symbol of the struggle of local entrepreneurs against large international corporations.


After a prolonged legal process, INDECOPI ruled in favor of María Carolina, allowing both brands to coexist in the market without the risk of confusion.

This ruling was not only a personal triumph for the entrepreneur but also set an encouraging precedent for other entrepreneurs in Peru.

Her victory underscores the importance of defending the rights of small businesses against large brands, especially in a country where common surnames should not be monopolized.

A Venture with a Social Cause

The story of María Carolina goes beyond the legal aspects.

Her handmade soap venture has not only provided her with sustenance but has also been a vehicle for her commitment to social causes, such as the sterilization of abandoned animals.

"To leave a better world; in the end, the money is mine," she commented, reflecting her desire to contribute positively to her community.

This combination of entrepreneurship and altruism not only sets her apart from the luxury brand she faced but also highlights the impact that small businesses can have on social well-being.

In conclusion, the case of María Carolina Herrera is a reminder that perseverance and the defense of individual rights can prevail, even against the most powerful corporations.

Her story inspires other entrepreneurs to fight for their dreams and make a difference in the world around them.

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