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The Bloody Funeral of Genghis Khan: Unleashed Mystery and Violence

Discover the bloody funeral of Genghis Khan: a burial filled with eccentricities and hundreds of murders to keep its secret. A terrifying and mysterious event!...
01-10-2024 10:55

  1. The Enigma of Genghis Khan's Death
  2. The Burial and the Violence
  3. The Forbidden Zone and its Meaning
  4. Legacy and Preservation of the Mystery

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The Enigma of Genghis Khan's Death

The death of Genghis Khan is one of the greatest historical mysteries that remains unresolved to this day. Although the life and achievements of this conqueror who founded the first Mongol Empire around 800 years ago are well-known, his passing and burial are shrouded in legends and controversies.

The multiple versions of his death, as well as the secret circumstances of his burial, have led to speculations, theories, and myths that persist to this day.

Some sources claim that he died due to a horse fall, something unlikely considering he was an exceptional rider. Others maintain that he passed away from a war wound or from contracting typhus. One of the most notable sources is Marco Polo, who, in his work "The Travels of Marco Polo," wrote that the Khan died after receiving an arrow to the knee during the siege of a castle called "Caaju."

The Burial and the Violence

The death of Genghis Khan was not only an enigma, but his burial was marked by violence. Before he passed away, the Khan requested that his burial be anonymous and without any sign indicating its location. It is believed that his body was taken to Mongolia, possibly to the region where he was born, although there is no absolute certainty about this point.

According to legends, to keep the location of his eternal resting place a secret, all attendees at the funeral, around 2,000 people, were killed by a group of 800 soldiers who were responsible for transporting the body for about 100 days.

Once the Khan was buried, it is said that the same soldiers in charge of his transport were also executed to ensure that no witnesses remained of his burial. This act of extreme violence aimed to protect the sacred site and reflects the importance placed on anonymity and privacy in the Mongolian cultural context.

The Forbidden Zone and its Meaning

One of the keys that could explain the mystery surrounding Genghis Khan's tomb is the creation of a "Forbidden Zone" or "Great Taboo" (Ikh Khorig, in Mongolian) established shortly after his death.

This zone, covering about 240 km² around the sacred mountain of Burkhan Khaldun, was demarcated by order of his descendants with the goal of preserving the Khan's burial site and preventing any desecration. For centuries, this area was completely restricted, and entering it meant a death sentence for anyone who was not part of the royal family.

The region was protected by the Darkhad tribe, who ensured the safety of the site in exchange for special privileges. This respect and fear towards the Forbidden Zone persisted even under the communist regime in Mongolia, which feared that exploration of the area could reignite Mongolian nationalist sentiment.

Legacy and Preservation of the Mystery

Currently, the Burkhan Khaldun mountain and its surroundings are part of the UNESCO World Heritage and are protected under the name of the Strictly Protected Area of Khan Khentii. This area, which covers about 12,270 km², is considered a place of veneration and, by tradition, any activity that is not a worship ritual is prohibited.

The conservation of this pristine landscape and the absence of detailed maps of the region reinforce the idea that the resting place of Genghis Khan remains protected by a secret that has survived for centuries.

The enigma surrounding the death and burial of Genghis Khan not only reveals the complexity of his historical figure but also invites us to reflect on the relationship between power, death, and cultural legacy in ancient societies. Throughout the centuries, his story has left an indelible mark on the collective memory of Mongolia and the world.

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