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Who is Nassim Si Ahmed: the heartthrob of the new Netflix movie

The French actor Nassim Si Ahmed has captivated the audience in the recent movie released on Netflix. Find out who he is....
12-06-2024 10:21

  1. From Kicks to Success in the Film Industry
  2. Series you can't miss
  3. From Movies to Global Streaming
  4. And now: the new success of Netflix

Oh my God! Get ready to meet Nassim Si Ahmed, the French heartthrob who is stealing hearts on Netflix with his role in "Under Paris." But wait, because behind his physical attractiveness and talent, there is a story of struggle and perseverance that will leave you speechless. Let's take a look at it.

Nassim Si Ahmed was born as the youngest of a gang of four brothers, in Nimes, close to Mas de Mingue. Imagine that, four brothers! Undoubtedly, the competition for the last croquette on the table must have been brutal. But it was in that district where Nassim lived and studied all his life.

After finishing high school, Nassim spent a year trying out Law. But no, it wasn't those laws that caught his attention, but the laws of acting. So he moved to Paris with the firm purpose of becoming an actor. Ah, the City of Light!

At the end, I leave you a link to his Instagram profile, in case you want to follow him!

From Kicks to Success in the Film Industry

Don't think this was a bed of roses. Nassim had his tough days too. In 2009, he became the French junior kickboxing champion in the 67-kilo category. A featherweight with an iron fist! And all this happened at the Japy hall in Paris, a place he knows very well.

In his Parisian adventure, he had to sell hamburgers, wait tables, and survive the ups and downs of castings. Until destiny, or rather Tristan Aurouet, said: "This boy has something special."

Tristan gave him his first big role in 2011 in the movie "Mineurs 27". And what a debut! He shared the screen with none other than Jean-Hugues Anglade and Gilles Lellouche.

Series you can't miss

In 2012, Nassim gave us the character of Malik, that metrosexual young man with a good physique who made his mark in the series "Les Lascars". But beware, he also played Cokeman in the web series "En passant pécho", a character completely unhinged by drugs. What a contrast!

2014 was a special year, he formed a lovely homosexual couple with Xavier Robic in "Hôtel de la plage". Summer nostalgia, lovey-dovey eyes, and great performances that had us glued to the screen.

From Movies to Global Streaming

We jump to 2013, and Nassim continues to climb. He plays a supporting role in "Les Petits Princes" alongside Eddie Mitchell and Reda Kateb, and then takes the lead in "Made in France", a film by Nicolas Boukhrief about terrorism. Here he plays Driss, a young man recruited to join a jihadist cell, demonstrating that he can carry out serious and profound roles.

But that's not all! In 2016, Nassim joins the series "Marseille", Netflix's first original series in France. Here he embodies a young delinquent who complicates his life for love, and of course, for the mayor's daughter. A drama that will make you bite your nails and not let go of the blanket.

And now: the new success of Netflix

And so we come to "Under Paris", where Nassim continues to show that he has everything to be a great actor: charisma, skills, and a physique that doesn't go unnoticed. Have you seen it yet? What did you think? Tell us, we are sure you can't help but admire this talented artist.

You can watch the movie on Netflix here.

And you, what are you waiting for to watch "Under Paris" and discover for yourself why Nassim Si Ahmed is Netflix's new crush?

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