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Writing an intimate diary helps to grow internally

Discover how an intimate diary enhances children's emotional development, helping children effectively express their fears and dreams....
05-09-2024 15:54

  1. The Diary: A Silent Friend
  2. Writing to Understand
  3. A Space for Everyone
  4. The Magic of Writing

The Diary: A Silent Friend

A few days ago, I celebrated another year of life and came across a memory that made me smile: my first intimate diary.

Who didn't have one? That little notebook that held secrets, fears, and dreams. In those pages, like many girls, I wrote what I didn't understand. It was like a therapist on paper that listened to me without judgment.

Do you remember your first diary? What secrets did you keep in it?

When I grew up and the outside world was calling at my door, my diary ended up in a forgotten corner. But, oh surprise! When I opened it years later, I realized it was a crucial witness to my growth.

Those writings reflected who I was and who I wanted to be. That connection with my thoughts and feelings helped me navigate the turbulent journey of childhood.

Writing to Understand

From the moment we are born, babies begin to explore the world. Every laugh, every cry, is a step in the construction of their emotional universe. As they grow, they begin to express their thoughts and emotions through writing.

This is where the intimate diary comes in: a space where they can express their fears, joys, and everything they carry inside.

Writing acts as a mirror. When children write, they are not just telling stories. They are processing what they feel. Think of Anne Frank's diary. In the midst of war, her diary became a refuge.

Can you imagine what it meant for her to have a space to vent her emotions? That freedom to write, without fear of judgment, is invaluable.

A Space for Everyone

While the intimate diary is often associated with the feminine world, don't be fooled! Writing is a resource for everyone. From Samuel Pepys to the diaries of Abelardo Castillo, history is full of men who also found in writing a space to explore their thoughts.

The diary becomes a neutral ground where anyone can be the protagonist of their own story.

Over the years, we have seen how personal writing has evolved. In the digital age, blogs and social media have democratized self-expression. However, the act of writing for oneself remains a balm for the soul.

Why not encourage our children to keep a diary? It's a wonderful way to grow and get to know themselves!

The Magic of Writing

Writing a diary is not only an act of creativity, but also a form of therapy. Recent studies reveal that expressive writing can help reduce anxiety and depression, especially in children and adolescents. By putting their feelings into words, they can make sense of experiences that would otherwise be overwhelming.

Can you imagine the release they feel when writing about their fears?
An intimate diary is a refuge, a private place where children can experiment with their identity. It is a space where they can confront their anxieties without the fear of external judgment.

Writing allows them to distance themselves from their experiences, process what they've lived through, and ultimately turn pain into words.

So, if you have a little one at home, why not gift them a diary?

Not only will you be giving them an object, but a valuable tool for their emotional growth.

Encourage them to write! Each page can be an open door to their inner world. What are you waiting for to do it?

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