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Hobbies improve mental health and happiness

Discover how creative hobbies improve mental health: a British study reveals that arts and crafts promote happiness and emotional well-being....
19-08-2024 12:45

  1. Creativity as a Source of Well-Being
  2. Significant Results of the Study
  3. An Approach to Emotional Well-Being
  4. Recommendations for Creative Practice

Creativity as a Source of Well-Being

A recent British study has revealed that arts and crafts activities can play a crucial role in mental health and emotional well-being.

The research, led by Dr. Helen Keyes from Anglia Ruskin University, found that engaging in arts and crafts not only brings satisfaction but can also be more beneficial than having a job in terms of life perception and happiness.

Significant Results of the Study

Published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, the research involved nearly 7,200 participants who responded to the annual "Taking Parting" survey from the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The findings indicated that 37.4% of respondents had participated in artistic or craft activities in the past month.

Those who engaged in these creative practices showed higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction compared to those who did not.
Keyes emphasized that "the impact of crafting was greater than the impact of having a job," suggesting that the act of creating fosters a sense of achievement and self-expression that is often lacking in conventional work.

Simple habits to be happier in life.

An Approach to Emotional Well-Being

The research suggests that arts and crafts have a positive impact on emotional well-being, regardless of factors such as employment status or level of deprivation.

Although the study does not establish causality, researchers believe that these activities can be a valuable tool for improving mental health.

This could lead governments and health services to consider promoting creativity as an integral part of mental health care and prevention.

Discover how to find your inner peace with these tips

Recommendations for Creative Practice

Dr. Keyes, who is a DIY project enthusiast, such as painting and decorating, emphasizes the satisfaction gained from seeing the results of a creative activity.

Focusing on artistic tasks not only provides a temporary escape but also allows for a deeper connection with oneself. People are encouraged to explore their creativity as a means to enhance their emotional well-being.

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