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Feeling lonely? This is for you: how to find support

Discover the hidden power of walking alone through life, where even ordinary people are amazed and at the same time bored by your unmatched ability to move forward without companions....
24-04-2024 15:47

Pause for a moment and reflect on your achievements, even without having someone by your side. Remember those times when you were alone: at home, traveling, shopping, visiting a café, or crying in solitude.

Think about the strength you showed in those moments and the power you have in moving forward alone in the world, without the need for any guiding hand.
Undoubtedly, navigating life alone can be more challenging. It can bring about anxiety, make you feel insecure, and even frustrated. You might start questioning yourself and your self-worth; there will be times when you'll have to fake happiness to avoid sinking deeper into loneliness.

But I want to tell you something important: experiencing solitude is inevitable and even necessary.

We all have to go through it at some point: feeling lonely, forgotten, and invisible.

The reason? It helps us discover how capable we are.

It pushes us towards creativity to find our own happiness. It encourages us to be authentic when we are tired of living to please others. It teaches us to value what we take for granted and most crucially, it reveals to us how to feel fulfilled without depending on anyone else.

So, if you currently feel overwhelmed by the sadness of being alone, allow yourself to live that feeling until you overcome it.

Until you decide to forge your own happiness independent of others or external circumstances.

Soon you will understand that there are things beyond friendships or romantic relationships.

Life also involves overcoming solitary obstacles; it is walking through the desert without expecting future company.

But you are capable; you can do it because you have that inner strength.

Struggling to find inner happiness? Read this

Finding support in loneliness

Loneliness can be a silent monster, growing in the shadows of our everyday lives. Throughout my career, I have seen how it slowly takes hold of people, but I have also witnessed the transformative power of support and human connection.

A story that resonates deeply with me is that of Lucas, a young man who came to my office engulfed in profound loneliness. He lived alone, worked from home, and his social interactions were minimal.

The pandemic had exacerbated his situation, turning his occasional loneliness into an overwhelming constant. The first time I saw him, his eyes reflected a mix of hope and resignation.

Lucas told me about his days: long periods in front of the computer, solitary meals, weekends with no plans or company. The hardest part for him was not having someone to share something as simple as a joke that made him laugh or to commiserate about a bad day.

In our journey together, we initially worked on recognizing the intrinsic value of his person: Lucas needed to understand that he deserved connection and community just as much as any other human being. Subsequently, we set small but significant goals; from starting casual conversations with neighbors to joining online groups with similar interests.

The wonderful thing happened months later. Lucas began to engage in local community activities and found an urban cycling group to join. With each shared session, I noticed how his countenance brightened; loneliness gave way to stories of friendly encounters and eagerly anticipated group events.

Lucas's transformation is a powerful testament to the positive impact that actively seeking support can have. He taught me something fundamental: we are never as alone as we think. There is always someone willing to lend a hand or share a moment if we dare to seek them out.

For those feeling the weight of loneliness: start small. A friendly greeting to a neighbor, a call to a distant friend, or even participating in online forums about topics you are passionate about can be the first steps toward reconnecting with the world.

Remember: asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a brave act towards reclaiming your emotional and social well-being. Loneliness is most effectively combated when we open ourselves to the world and allow others into our personal space.

Just as Lucas discovered new connections and joys in unexpected places, you can too. The key is taking that first step outward. The journey to overcoming loneliness begins with recognizing your worth and deservingness of genuine human connection.

You are not alone; we all need support at some point.

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