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Therapeutic Writing: a simple technique that calms anxiety and brings happiness

Discover how to calm anxiety, clarify the doubts in your life, and be happier, using this ancient technique....
02-07-2024 13:51

  1. Therapeutic Writing Techniques or Approaches
  2. Final thoughts

Have you ever poured out everything you carry inside in a journal, notebook, or even on a napkin while waiting for the waiter?

Congratulations, you have tried a bit of therapeutic writing, a cheap and surprisingly effective form of therapy that doesn't involve wearing pants or leaving the house (well, unless you decide to write on the restaurant napkin, of course).

Therapeutic writing is basically the art of turning paper and ink into a pocket psychologist.

This approach uses writing as a tool to explore emotions, process experiences, and resolve internal conflicts.

And no, you don't need to be Gabriel García Márquez; just be honest with yourself and, why not, with your paper!

Therapeutic Writing Techniques or Approaches

1. Personal Diary:

Remember those teenage diaries with a lock? Well, guess what, adults can have one too! Writing a diary is a wonderful way to vent and let your feelings simply flow.

How about trying this? Take 10 minutes every night and write about your day. What was the best part? What was the worst? Did you accidentally yell at the dog? Write it all down!

2. Unsent Letters:

This is another technique that can be quite liberating. Write a letter to someone you have unresolved issues with. Express yourself without filters, but do not send it.

This exercise can bring you clarity and inner peace. A tip: have a safe place to store these letters, you wouldn't want them to end up in the mailbox by accident.

3. Free Writing:

Have you ever let your mind wander without a specific goal? Well, that's free writing.

Set a timer for 5, 10, or 15 minutes and write non-stop whatever comes to your mind. It may seem chaotic and nonsensical, but this stream of consciousness can surprise you with unexpected revelations.

4. Poems and Metaphors:

Consider yourself a creative person? Try writing some poems or using metaphors to describe your emotions. Sometimes, feelings are so complex that they need a bit of poetry to be understood.

Think of your sadness as a storm in a cup of coffee. What flavor does it have today?

5. Pros and Cons Lists:

When you're indecisive, making a pros and cons list can be very helpful.

Are you thinking about changing jobs, moving to a new city, or perhaps adopting a cat? Divide a sheet into two columns and analyze the benefits and drawbacks. Sometimes seeing it in black and white (literally) can make everything make sense.

In the meantime, I suggest scheduling time to read this article:

Final thoughts

Have you dared to try any of these techniques?

Therapeutic writing can give us that little push we need to better understand ourselves and make more informed decisions.

Additionally, unlike many other forms of therapy, you only need a sheet of paper and a pen (or a napkin and a lipstick pencil, if you're in a hurry).

Which of these techniques caught your attention the most? Is there something you want to try right away?

Sharing your thoughts can also be therapeutic, so feel free to comment or tell someone about what you are experiencing.

And remember, with therapeutic writing, there are no strict rules! Just your mind and the paper, ready to connect on another level.

You can continue reading this article:

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