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Why Does Cold Depress Us? Effects on Health, Mood, and How to Improve Them

Did you know that the cold can disrupt your hormones and mental health? Come in and discover the secrets to combat seasonal depression, stay active, and enjoy the season. Don't let the cold freeze your spirits!...
19-07-2024 14:57

  1. Biological and Hormonal Factors: A Natural Rhythm
  2. The Emotional Impact: More Here Than At The North Pole
  3. Practical Solutions

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Ah, winter! That time of year when we can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace... or also feel like the grumpiest bear in the forest.

But, what is behind those drastic mood swings when the temperatures drop?

Join me on this icy journey to discover how the cold affects our mood, our hormones, and our overall well-being.

Biological and Hormonal Factors: A Natural Rhythm

Imagine you are a bear (don't worry, it's just for a moment). What would you do in winter? Exactly, hibernate. Believe it or not, we also share certain instincts with these furry friends. Cold weather has a direct impact on our hormonal cycles.

1. Cortisol and Stress:

Cortisol, known as the "stress hormone," can go haywire with the cold. Elevated cortisol levels can disrupt our sleep cycles and make us feel more stressed.

Have you ever felt like you can’t switch off at night? The cold might have something to do with it.

2. Thyroid and Sexual Hormones:

Studies suggest that cold weather may decrease the activity of thyroid and sexual hormones.

Less activity in these systems means less energy, less motivation, and, in short, less desire to do anything other than curl up under a blanket.

Excessive cold can also disrupt our sleep, I suggest reading:

The Emotional Impact: More Here Than At The North Pole

Myth alert! Not only the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle suffer the effects of winter on their emotional well-being. Although the extreme conditions in these areas are undoubtedly more severe, that doesn't mean we are exempt.

1. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

Did you know that you can also feel depressed in winter even if you live in milder regions?

SAD is a type of depression that activates during the cold seasons with less light. Symptoms such as sadness, irritability, fatigue, and increased appetite are common.

Does this sound familiar? You are not alone.

Have you noticed that in winter you spend more time at home, hunkered down as if the sofa were your only salvation?

The cold affects our social and physical activities. Staying indoors, moving less, and socializing in a limited way can have negative consequences on our mental and physical health.

1. Social Isolation:

The lack of outdoor activities and reduced social contact can increase feelings of loneliness and anxiety. How many times have you canceled plans just because it was too cold to go out?

2. Sitting: The New Smoking:

Spending long hours sitting can also affect our physical health, contributing to metabolic and cardiovascular issues. Think about this the next time you anchor yourself to the armchair.

The cold is also associated with decreased exposure to sunlight. This can have serious consequences for your sleep and health! I suggest reading:

How Lack of Sunlight Affects Sleep and Health

Practical Solutions

To counteract these effects, it is not necessary to move to the tropics. Here are some ideas to combat winter depression:

1. Seek Sunlight:

Take advantage of natural light, especially in the morning, to help resynchronize your circadian rhythms. Why not enjoy a coffee on the balcony, even if it's just for 10 minutes?

2. Stay Active:

You can exercise indoors. From yoga to workout videos on YouTube. The important thing is to move.

3. Socialize:

Don't isolate yourself. Organize activities with friends or family at home. Board games, movies, or just a good chat can work wonders.

4. Take Care of Your Diet:

Avoid excessive carbohydrates and sweets. And while a glühwein sounds tempting, don't overindulge in alcohol, as it can make you lose more heat than you think it provides.

5. Seek Professional Help:

If symptoms persist, it may be helpful to talk to a mental health professional. Not every dark day can be solved with a bright light lamp or a quick walk.

In short, the cold can catch us by surprise and affect our well-being in ways we might not expect. But with a little preparation and some proactive measures,

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