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Let's respect the elderly: someday you will be old too

On June 15th of each year, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is celebrated. What can we do to help our elderly?...
14-06-2024 11:17

Friends, come on in, we are going to talk about something very important and close to our hearts!

Did you know that there is a day dedicated to raising awareness about abuse and mistreatment of the elderly?

Yes, that's right, on June 15th of each year, we celebrate the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

And this is not just any day; it has a story behind it. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011, but its celebration began in 2006 thanks to the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) and the World Health Organization. So, we are not talking about something recent.

So, what is the goal of this special day? Essentially, its aim is to focus on the issue of elder abuse, promote their health, well-being, and dignity.

Why? Because, believe it or not, many elderly people suffer abuse and mistreatment, and they don't always have a voice to speak up. So, this day serves as a global megaphone for all of us to listen.

Now, imagine if governments, organizations, and even you, dear reader, joined the cause even a little bit. Wouldn't it be great if we all contributed to creating more effective strategies and stronger laws to protect our grandparents?

Yes, it's a fantastic idea and that's why every June 15th, there are events and activities worldwide to raise awareness about this issue. And it's not just a boring talk. The first celebration took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

And one important thing we shouldn't forget: the purple ribbon. This is the symbol of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. So, if you see purple ribbons around on June 15th, you'll know what they represent.

But let's get interactive. Have you ever stopped to think if you know any elderly person who may need help?

Has it ever crossed your mind that someone close to you might be being mistreated without you realizing it? Take a minute to reflect on this. If the answer is yes, take action! A small gesture of support can make a big difference.

With all this information, you are ready to do your part. Remember, protecting our elders is protecting our future. So, on June 15th, grab those purple ribbons, get informed, and make some noise.

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What can we do to contribute our grain of sand?

Respecting the elderly is something we should all keep in mind. We will also get there, it's time to set an example!

Here are some ideas to enrich your relationship with the elderly and show them the love and respect they deserve:

1. Active listening:

Yes, listen attentively! Not just pretending to listen while looking at your phone. The elderly have incredible experiences and anecdotes; giving them your full attention makes them feel valued.

2. Patience is key:

Sometimes they need a little more time to do or say something. So, if we slow down and give them space, we show them that we truly care.

3. Call them more often:

A phone call, a message, or even a visit, every little bit counts! Sometimes just asking how they are can brighten their day.

4. Help with technology:

Who hasn't heard a grandparent struggling with their phone? Help them understand how to use their devices. Explain calmly and patiently.

5. Value their opinion:

Ask for and listen to their point of view. Even if you don't always agree, showing that you value their experience is very important.

6. Accompany them to medical appointments:

Going to the doctor can be stressful for them. If you can accompany them, they will surely appreciate it.

7. Joint activities:

Plan to do something fun together: cook, play a board game, or simply take a walk. Those shared moments are precious.

8. Greeting and respect:

Courtesy is always appreciated. A friendly greeting, a thank you, or letting them go first, are gestures that speak volumes.

9. Avoid infantilizing them:

It's not about talking to them as if they were children or assuming they don't understand. They deserve the same respect and treatment as any other adult.

10. Educate others:

If there is someone in your environment who doesn't treat the elderly well, stand up to them. It's important for everyone to be aware.

And you, what other ideas do you have to show respect and love to the elderly? Share them and let's spread the word!

I also suggest reading:How to prevent Alzheimer's: know the changes that can add years of quality life

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